
Have you ever heard of economy with words?

I shouldn’t have bothered. You’re just a small-minded troll. 

“Black people get shot more often by police and their peers not because of systemic racism, but as you’ve demonstrated, because of a cultural tendancy to solve disputes with extrajudicial violence.”

File this under shit you would never say in person without a weapon. Coward. 

A free pass to shoot people they don’t agree with ***

Calm down and keep it moving. You responded to me after several weeks, so this is your issue, not mine. Let’s see if you can manage to control yourself. 

How difficult it must be to try and make an effective point with such a small mind. I know you’re struggling against your inadequacies on a daily basis, and I guess if that were my reality I’d be an angry, inarticulate asshole too.

No doubt, it is not something they are universally good at. 

This is a good point, but it’s important to note that Biden polls far better among Black voters than Harris. I do agree that choosing a woman of color for VP was an important step. Optics aren’t everything, but they do matter. 

What is your evidence for this?

Polls indicate Harris is the most popular choice, so I don’t know that this will play out the way you think. I get the argument, but it hinges on the idea that she doesn’t have broad appeal, and it seems that’s not the case. 

Moderate democrats were heavily behind Obama, so not sure your argument holds weight. Harris has appeal to moderates and independents, and hasn’t had trouble with white voters in the past. While she wasn’t a popular candidate among Black voters in the primary, choosing her helps Biden reinforce the larger narrative

Thank you for elaborating on the point. I thought these were implied, but sure, agreed.

You’re tying yourself up in logical knots on Obama.

Excellent article, once again.

Chael Sonnen is All Lives Matter synthesized, distilled, and rendered in high definition.

You’re not wrong about the US. But there are many, many other countries that are equally jingoistic and obsessed with national identity — and not just North Korea. India is wild with that shit. Europe no longer has a military-oriented, nationalist-heavy culture for the most part, but that’s a relatively recent

It’s not disguised. She is what she is. But there’s nothing “neoliberal” about Pell Grants vs. “no-cost college education” which is A. unrealistic in the near term (sorry!) and B. not popular in moderate-to-right-leaning areas like the district she’s running in. Pell Grants and National Service programs are 100% inspir

Many people will take issue with her perspectives. That’s fair, but you’ve got to remember where she’s running and who she’s running against. A true progressive candidate is not winning this race, and she’s far better for Black folks - and really, everyone - than the incumbent.

So, not a fan of Michelle Obama?