
Okay. But EVERY modder accepts donations. Even SKSE team. The Skyrim Together team is not charging people for the mod. They are just asking for donations like any other modder I think the SKSE team is just upset they are getting WAYYYY more money donated then they did. Plenty of mods use SKSE functionality and also

Lol. PewDiePie is not a bigot lol. The reason it seems that way to you is because you’ve fallen victim to the oldest trick in the book. Propaganda. Theres a war going on with “old media” and “new media” if you’ve actually taken the time to watch at the very least one PewDiePie video you’d know just how ridiculous it

Use the platform as it’s intended. Connecting with friends and family. Facebook isn't intended as a hook up site. That's tinder. To suggest Facebook is trying to get people to use thier real names just to Target sex workers is insane. Talk about trying to draw connections between 2 completely unrelated things. Smh.

Yes, I agree.”

I HATE apple. I'm a Android fanboy. But I have to admit this is dumb as Google being sued by the EU for having it's Google Play Apps pre installed on Android. On Android you can install other App Stores you don't have to use the Play Store. But even that's not good enough for these old aged tech illiterate law makers.

So you can’t be a Punk and a Christian?

I also use to work for Sprint . Can confirm you're telling the truth

I used to work at Sprint. They did very similar stuff. The management encouraged us and told us to put Insurance on customers without asking them and to sign for the customer to so they didn't see we put insurance on thier account. And when they come back angry to tell them the system automatically puts it on new

source? this is the only article saying this. it doesn’t even give a citation. this is bad journalism 

TO THE PUBLISHER: what’s your opinion on the Pixel C than? At first when I saw the headline I thought you were going to use the fact that it runs Android and it not being able to do a whole lot cause of it against it. But you talked about IPADS witch ios is much more limited than Android.

I knew it. Overly complicated UI. forced updated or no auto updates at all.

Google Wasn’t always like this. Once the founders left. They stopped living by “don’t be evil”

So much for “don’t be evil”

I see it just fine cause I didn’t buy a crap Android. I bought a Pixel opps

Get Android? Been able to do that for years .

Alright. Alex Cranz. Store that in your memory. Another journalist that can’t be unbiased​.

On top of that. I can tell just based on your replies that you are a garbage parent. The fact that they are going no where in life is more than likely more your fault. Kids are not born unsuccessful. In fact a infants personality is largely blank at birth . You become what your exposed to. The fact that the souths

The minimum wage was $1.60/hr in 1969. Purchase power of $1.60 in 1969 is equivalent to $10.80 in 2015

ummm i dont have a new file manager... and i got the update a hour ago