
They are ground training aircraft. Those F-18’s are older models are are retired. They will never fly again so any usable parts like avionics, engines aircraft systems have all been stripped off of them (That’s why they look different, they are missing a lot!. They are used for crash recovery training and letting new

That is a fair play in my opinion. Hell if China wants to park a fleet in international waters off the west coast, let them do it. Show the world they are more interested in building an empire than “peaceful rise”.

import java.util.Scanner;

Okay, and how did the Soviets do any different? They wiped the floor with the muj at every opportunity, and controlled all cities and roadways. Muj controlled roads at night, and parts of the countryside, much like the situation now in Afghanistan. Soviets had agreed-upon alliances with certain tribes, much like ISAF

Going by your logic the Americans can’t build a decent fighter engine, because of the TF30 in the F-14a......

Call me old fashioned but as a student of history, if it’s taught me one thing, the intangible quality of Mother Russia, the sheer land itself, it’s size and scope are the most potent weapon they possess. Man it’s like an instant -50 potency to any invading force, probably what gives them the gumption to be


. . . when a great white shark decided it was in the mood for something tougher than human flesh . . .

I still don’t understand how someone who has been married four times can say with a straight face that it undermines her religious beliefs to allow gay people to marry.

Are they limiting her professionally? Are they intruding on her though?

Rational decision-making, consideration of long-term consequences, knowing when the safest course of action is to back down—all of these should be a factor when considering someone’s suitability to own a firearm, is the point I imagine he’s trying to make.

Well, he’s the kind of idiot who really shouldn’t be allowed near a gun.

Tales from the New Horizons

And given Lockheed’s latest tendencies, initial operating capability will be a six pack of Coke and a case of M4 rifles moved 500 miles. All after a five year delay and a steadily rising price tag finally approaching $1 billion each. But hey, it will look cool.

You’re raising the bar way too much for those of us without the talent to pull this sort of thing off, you jerk. Kidding of course, I wish them all the best, I just need to hide this sort of stuff from my girlfriend.

If you signed up for Ashley Madison with your work email, you should absolutely be fired. Not because of ethics, but because you’re too fucking stupid for employement.

Was the kid Wednesday Adams? Or maybe not paying attention to you at all as you talked about death camps?

I love you foxtrotters. Thank you for this. This was amazing to see in action.

Ignore him. For some reason he’s desperate to argue this shit and thinks that N. Korea’s potential to really hurt Seoul and S. Korea is non-existent.

Red hot seething rage always improves your memory.