this video was awesome and explained so much. thankyou
this video was awesome and explained so much. thankyou
SO they pulled in/ out the aircraft from a bay ? DAMN that’s so great and cool :D
Maybe you should take the hint. Or, you know, just don’t click if it’s that much of a burden on you. “BUT IT OFFENDS MUH PRECIOUS EYES ON THE FRONT PAGE!” is just entitled whiner shit.
The problem with watching Rocket League, is that you have to stop playing Rocket League.
I’ve been hit with the high power green lasers while flying combat missions. A lot of the incidents occurred on final approach for landing with the landing gear down. That’s second away from wheels down and a time when the flight crew is busiest. It is not “Cool” or “The thing to do because everyone is doing it.” It…
When I was in recon the guys thought it would be funny to have me carry a full pack, M-60, and PRK-90. They were amazed I did it and my picture still sits in the office of the head quarters in HI.
Any time I meet a woman who believe in strict gender roles I take her across my knee until she changes her mind.
That’s sad. Yet we’ll never implement routine testing for elderly drivers, no matter how many people they run over or farmer’s markets they plow in to.
This comment just sent me down a multi-hour rabbit hole reading about early jet engine airliners.
I work for an extremely awesome company (software, but not in the gaming industry) that is very successful and insanely into empowering their employees: awesome benefits, trusting them to do the right thing, training/enrichment - they could easily leverage any one of us into instant, glowing-PR for the organization.
Seems more like people are explaining this is the way things are to people who think that no other company would do this. It sucks that the guy got sacked, but much like someone walking into oncoming traffic the result was not a big surprise, even the guy who got fired knew that he was likely in trouble when the…
Even the guy who got fired understood that he was likely in trouble as soon as more people became aware of the podcast. And it’s not so much that Nintendo is being defended so much that anyone that’s familiar with the industry could see this coming a mile away. It’s not a nit-picky part of the contract we’re talking…
You think American developers don't have NDA clauses in their employment contracts?
Yeah, they probably opened the hood, didn’t see an engine and assumed it’s a shell.