As funny as the replies have been, it’s probably an Aphid knockoff; extreme forward rectangular fins are common on them:
As funny as the replies have been, it’s probably an Aphid knockoff; extreme forward rectangular fins are common on them:
Thanks Tyler - quite giggle-worthy.
Those Russian weapons ... always defying the laws of physics.
“.....yet another woman being harassed online...”
People can’t even bother to put on a condom at times... you think they’re going to use their phones?
Eh. This is one issue where I diverge greatly from feminists on, probably due to my ethnicity. As a black man in America, I just can’t be so dismissive of the the existence of false allegations of rape and the impact that they have when they occur. Many an African-American man in the early-mid 20th century ended up…
Also, Hover!
Ghost of Ernest Hemingway: [reads story]
Well, because no one’s actually got pitchforks, for one. And if there’s a kangaroo hopping about in robes somewhere, I want pics. If there were an actual mob, rather than a hyperbolic one, I’d be more concerned. What we have here, though, is people telling their stories. Their stories implicate that someone who had…
In exchange for the privelege of operating a motor vehicle on publicly owned and maintained roads people sign an agreement to abide by the laws that govern the operation of all motor vehicles on those public roads. Don’t like it? Walk.
Because people who are crippled and paralyzed because they weren’t belted in are a cost to society. I expect that many of them as they age and think about it decide that it wasn’t right for them to choose to not wear a seatbelt and that it would have been better for someone to force seatbelt use on them.
I’m an immunocompromised physician. I hate these people so hard.
Even if I’m not, I’ll embrace my new character, name them, give them a backstory and motivations.
Have to love a British air show announcer. “And now yes carefully applies the throttles to execute just a fantastic manuever.”
At the 2009 Royal International Air Tatoo, XH558 and a B-52 taxied together. Quite the site and sound.
In a situation where time is almost up, it is a valid tactic to do to win via Time over. However, when there’s still 60+ seconds on the clock and you just have to slap the mummy once to win, it is pure nonsense to not just end it since you literally give your opponent a chance to come back for every second you’re not…
I think we can all agree on one thing, Fahey:
rotors are designed to withstand bird strikes and most birds that pose risk to aircraft are way heavier than a fucking drone.
Pretty much. Truth be told that “murica” is just as aggressive as modern Russia , the old Soviet Union and the Nazis. Two sides of the same coin.
Woah, there, buddy. Calm down. Take a ch-... Stop taking chill pills?