
Their anticommunist stint in the 1940's and 1950's proves otherwise. They’d rather defend nazis rather than any form of non-liberal leftists.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that,”

Nope. White people get better treatment in the justice system, so you can kindly fuck off.

Oh dear, this is one of the last places I expected to see USSR = Putin’s Russia = USA drivel. Even quoting the warisboring shitstains.

Just as there isn’t reverse racism, there isn’t reverse sexism

Given today’s internet, using CD/DVD units as cup holders seem an appropiate second use.

Ironic considering that West Germany was pretty much run by Nazis.

Why should we tolerate someone whose political position basically revolves around not tolerating others based on racial pseudo science?.

The ironic thing is how there is no such thing as white culture...

wipe out an entire fleet of Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in their silos, creating a preemptive strike-first capability that would give Russia little time to respond.

You are a good reason to promote white genocide.

Lel, fighting Soviet “imperialism” with some american imperialism sprikled with a few dictatorships until the late 1980's.

blinkered self-interest, alloyed with ethnic exceptionalism, marked by a desire to differentiate himself from other minority groups. Even, and especially, those groups that come from the same chunk of the globe but happen to follow a different faith. 

That would have required the teacher to acknowledge her own racism, which would have stopped her from uttering some form of notallwhitepeople-ing condescension some other day

Fun fact: This is one of those people that got called “dissenter”and democratic “freedom fighter” during the Soviet times, buddy of Lech Walesa and member of Solidarnosc.

And making the precarization of jobs “fashionable” and “cool” has become a thing to.

And here lies the folly of “muh moderate centrism”; since centrists don’t stand up for anything, they are more than willing to be “flexible” with their values and principles.

Ah, Goonswarm; people as disgusting as 4channers but stupid enough to pay for an online forum account...

It is a shitty “joke” that normalizes both anti-semitism and taking advantage of people from a poor country for younger audience.

Nah, the problem with people like you is that you think being a racist jackass just for the sake of being a racist or misogynist jackass is being “funny”, when comedy is all about context and nuance.