
It seems the Nazi “Alt” right are the ones in actual need of safespaces and whose feelings are easily hurt.

Under the START III treaty, both the US and Russia are allowed to have 700 nuclear vectors, meaning, ICBMs, SLBM and bombers.

Russia hasn’t been socialist for about 26 years now...

I love the irony of it all.

You killed off any actual leftist alternative to these guy during the red scares, and demonized such leftists. That’s what happened.

Bash the fash, people.

As long as you people keeping peddling your horseshit theory(Horseshoe fallacy) you won’t be able to actually do anything against them.

There really wasn’t in the grand scheme of things.

shouldn’t have picked such an awful candidate in the first place...

You don’t do rehabilitation in the US. And then do incarceration half-assedly, mostly focused on minorities, because you have to think of the future of white rapists and murderers...

Now they just have to join the police force to do that.

How much are you getting paid, shill?

The soviets did most of the lifting in that war, bub.

TIL: Wars where brown and black people are systematically exterminated do not count as real wars.

I’m not sure why anyone would want to buy an alcoholic, genocidal bigot’s anything, but ok.

So, I guess you also agree with Sean Connery that women need to be slapped once in a while, too.

Just because you are clueless about communism, doesn’t mean the rest are...

China hasn’t been communist since the 1970's

Some day people will realize that fascism is not just being “un-PC”.

There is no such thing as free market. Without Government regulation, the fabled “invisible hand” of the markets “self-regulate” towards monopolies, benefit and work conditions reductions(as they are seen as expenses) for worker, etc.