
Adding to what other people said, I’d include the pervasive attitude that “if you can’t afford something, then go die in a ditch” factors in that.

The “joys” of a healthcare system that’s entirely for-profit, is that you can find a doctor willing to game the system for some extra cash.

This is why my future house will be decorated in an Art Deco style. Always classy

Capitalism, fosters innovation and creativity...or that’s what the brochure says...

Capitalism, not even once.

Taylor is an asshole, and in other news, water is wet.

That could have been Sansa’s way of subverting Petyr, for all we know. Is not like Jon wanted to be the King in The North

Will the divorce resemble the Final Battle at Hogwarts?

That’s not socialism. And Bernie is not a socialist and Scandinavia is not socialist.

Sorry, the fascist like you support Trump. And Fascism is synonymous with violence

Too bad that with her track record, she is also going to pummel out of existence other countries too...

Raging hard in War Thunder...

Capitalism in a nutshell.

You become an American when you realize that only with the right amount of money and the right amount of power, you can break these rules, or make them your own.

Half assed “apology” is no apology. He still is an asshole.

If you had a fucking clue that most people who commit suicide don’t do it because of selfishness but because out of a misguided consideration to others, you wouldn’t be spewing this bullshit. Fuck you, too.

Calling suicide “selfish” is not an unpopular opinion, is being an ignorant asshole.

Fuck you and fuck him.

The person who backed the mess in Libya and Syria, who voted in favor the Iraq invasion, and who promoted Hondura’s coup is considered “smarter international interactions”?