Well, I guess a Hillary presidency will make George W Bush like Gandhi warfare and coup wise.
Well, I guess a Hillary presidency will make George W Bush like Gandhi warfare and coup wise.
People like to point out at the terrible things done in Cuba, Iran or North Korea but they do tend to forget the West backed governments that would make the some of the usual suspects look mild...
And you somehow think you are better when you promote the harassment of a person?
I’m guessing this guy is the gaming industry’s equivalent of the “house slave” that would say to the field slaves that they shouldn’t complain about slavery because they had food and such...
The Times weighed in unambiguously, calling on the court to overturn the sentence, adding that mandatory life sentences—especially for nonviolent crimes—don’t seem like the best idea
Pretty harmless. Start to worry when the Russians resume doing simulated attack runs with Backfires like they did in the 80's
1 vs 3 armored guys yet the 1 guy is the coward?.
And people would still mock AIDS patients, being openly racist was still sort of okay.
Boy, you are dumb.
Yeah, this is not how you shake off stereotypes.
Its true. I have read him since his aviation_intel days and he has never been a fan of the F-35 at all.
So, King Regis will die. That much is certain, then
Go tip your fedora somewhere else.
Selective Free Speech*
Please, have your family die of polio then, since that’s the kind of stuff you seem to be wishing for.
That looks mild
wrong thread...oops
So, instead of implementing a proper mental healthcare system that helps the mentally ill and prevent situations like this from happening, lets just lock them all up...
I don’t have sisters and I have no problem buying tampons, pads or whatever.