
I doubt you do.

How is it really a choice if, according to your own words, the alternatives are “worse”?.

Considering how rare vanilla servers with decent latency were in BF4...I’ll disagree.

You look like a younger version of Barry Weiss

That video has quite a pucker factor...shit...

That’s something I’d do as well. Giving pleasure without getting anything back it’s fine with me.

They could go the Sargent Fletcher way

I remember reading some time ago that the V-tails were a no-go since they required extensive and expensive rework in the underlying structures of the tail, as the stress imposed on a V-tail are quite different from those faced by your standard vertical tails, ultimately defeating the purpose of being a cheap

That’s a T-34-85

There are talks that the double seater is back on the table and that despite the issues regarding development, the indians will probably sign for 146 jets before the end of the year or start of the next.

I’ve seen and experienced things that go beyond houses making strange sounds and things that would defy your logic.

For what is worth, there is some research into those odd missing person in the forest cases. Apparently them suddenly vanishing is a very real thing

Tu-142 can’t carry cruise missiles. They did serve as mid-course update aircraft for monsters like the Shipwreck.

Speaking of unpainted prototypes, the burnt T-50-5 is back in the air.

To me it looks like a really badly Photoshopped picture of a J-15 with the nose of a Su-34.

Sure, if you want to jump start WW3.

I doubt the US would let the House of Saud fall, let alone have it replaced with a pro-Iran regime, though. That has the potential of becoming WW3.

I was wondering why did he say that since there was no Tu-160 reference in your post...

Part of ISIS was formed out of the remains of Saddam’s Ba’athist loyalists which Bush, Rumsfeld and Co. thought would be a good idea to completely boot out of the new Iraqi government.

Maybe a desperate attempt at targeting the low flying Mi-24’s?.