You can still hit stuff with decent enough accuracy using the planes on-board computer.
Says the guy that probably thinks a war with China or Russia will be just like Call of Duty or like invading a third world backwater like Iraq or Grenada.
I think your mixing up Crimea with Chechnya.
Everybody will lose. Unless you really think you can neutralize Russia’s nuclear arsenal before they are able to fire it, in which case, you are completely delusional.
Bully vs Bully. Who woulda thunk it!
It’s called common sense and basic knowledge of gun physics. If they don’t know that, maybe they should go out more often...
If they want 100% accuracy 100% of the time, they should go play something with lasers.
I love it. I think the design is awesome.
It’s the call of duty crowd again.
I don’t know, I find the elaborate way the Oniks/Brahmos gets on its way just as fascinating...
Most of this stuff existed or was in development during the Soviet Union. And most of it doesn’t have anything to do with espionage.
Exactly. Just because you have the latest and greatest doesn’t mean you know how to use it.
In other news, the Saudi Armed forces are sill mostly a paper tiger.
The rotor head is designed to take 23mm hits, same as the rotor blades.
Because he was aiming the rockets far ahead, so you must give it an arc to make it reach it’s target after the rocket engine stops...
The Georgian upgrade for the Su-25 was called Scorpion, which replaced some of the equipment with Elbit stuff plus two MFD in the cockpit.