They are able to use the canals. The Gepards were built in Zelenodolsk which is in the middle of nowhere, between Nizhny Novgorod and Ulyanovsk.
They are able to use the canals. The Gepards were built in Zelenodolsk which is in the middle of nowhere, between Nizhny Novgorod and Ulyanovsk.
There is no such thing as Secular Forces opposing Assad in Syria anymore. Those either got killed of by all the other brands of Islamism(ISIS are not the only head cutters in town) or they ran off to europe.
Tyler, seems the russians have started to use cruise missiles, but unexpectedly, from the Caspian Sea Flotilla.
Whenever I see an Awoken, can’t help but think of this...
Keep in mind that Turkey has kept a policy of extending it’s airspace 5 miles within Syrian territory. That said, I don’t see why people should care about what Turkey thinks, considering that most of the oil that ISIS sells from captured syrian fields, go out through Turkey; while at the same time bombing the kurds…
You’d think that no matter how big of a clusterfuck the F-35 program is, they would be able to get such a basic thing as an ejection seat right.
I wouldn’t include Brazil’s A-4 as that carrier is pretty much a dockside fixture more than anything else.
Regardless of who has the right idea when it comes to fighter cannons, watching and hearing the Su-30SM firing its gun is a fairly terrifying and violent experience and you sure would not want to end up in its crosshairs.
Tyler, apparently someone discovered what role the Su-30SM are being used in, and as expected, they working as escorts for the strikes packages whenever they get close to Turkish(and possible Israeli) airspace.
Keep in mind that any american that might get blown up on Syrial soil, shouldn’t be there in the first place.
Too much Call of Duty for you.
There are wide reports that Russia’s advanced Su-34 Fullback fighter-bombers are also deployed to the region as well, but so far these have not been substantiated with photographic evidence.
Central and Eastern european LARP is hardcore...
I love Mirror’s Edge music so much I would just fire up the game to listen to the game’s menu music.
With an reinvigorated relationship with Iran and a strengthening one with Iran’s good friend Iraq
Not if the other guy has been outsmarting you at ever turn...
I’d rather be ruled by neither.
Can’t help but think of this