Speaking of 5th Gen, seems Japan is going to start testing their own soon...
Speaking of 5th Gen, seems Japan is going to start testing their own soon...
Also, if I remember correctly, the C-802 hit the crane over the hangar, so it was more of a glancing blow, luckily for the ship and the crew.
165kg of HE might have played a number on it if it had been a direct hit on the hull or superstructure.
Flashbacks to the USS Stark.
It’s not about armoring. It’s about redudancy and damage control.
Additionally, Russian sub-systems were never gutted from these ships after the original deal was cancelled and they remain an integral part of these ships.
When was the last time the US went up against some one that wasn’t a third world shithole?.
I don’t remember seeing any news of Russian planes patrolling the Gulf of Mexico. The closest thing were those “goodwill” flights of Tu-160’s towards Nicaragua and Venezuela, that made Colombia throw a fit.
Russian bombers would fly close to Alaska and California. And that one-off raid of Tu-160’s towards Canada that caught everybody off-guard. They haven’t been anywhere near Texas, that I remember...
Using JH-7 as interceptors?.
I could, but the thing is, my country never declared itself defender of the free world and human rights nor world police nor beacon of moral righteousness.
12 Su-24 now spotted
I’ll find another one.
If you ask the Georgians, they’ll say the Russians started it even if the EU says it was their president who caused it.
Again, 9000-10000 russian troops vs 9000-10000 georgian troops + reservists.
If you are going to play the beacon of democracy and freedom, no, you really don’t.
Do you by any chance post on airliners.net?.
That’s not how it works. For each genocide stopped in Kosovo how many went by unstopped or even encouraged elsewhere?(Central American civil wars, for one).
Losing people to friendly fire is something the US is quite adept at. Should we judge it’s efficacy based on it?.
Last time I checked, the Russians crushed the Georgians quite soundly, tie eaters and all.
While pretending to ride the moral high horse of defenders of democracy, freedom and human rights, “Us goodies, them baddies”; no, you really shouldn’t.