Mind you, some of this stuff won’t be carried internally, namely the Brahmos/Yakhont, Kh-31 and the the larger bombs, as they are too big for the bays.
Good luck not having it block all green lights and indicators in the cockpit and airport.
This isn’t a business presentation pointer. If it can make it as far as to hit a plane visible, it is far more powerful than that.
Yes, it is that bad. Worse than someone bliding you with their high beams, if their high beams could also burn your retinas...
I’m pretty sure it has always been this way, except perhaps during the 90’s.
I think that honor is a toss up between the original 747, the VC-10 and the Convair 990...
Sorry, but that’s complete and utter nonsense. And in some countries, even illegal.
If your contract states that breaching the NDA in any way will result in immediate termination, that’s it for you, no matter how much you cry about it .
Have you ever worked for transnational company or have you yet to finish high school?.
Is not some “stupid ass rule”, you are legally binded by your fucking contract. I’m starting to think some of you outraged by this haven’t worked for a tech company in your entire life, that is, if you have worked at all...
He just lost his job. All of that is a side effect of lossing said job.
I did my college internship in a relatively well know tech company. Even as a lowly intern in a backwater division of the company, you had to sign a NDA which forbade you from speaking to anyone about your job or your salary.
Looks more like Sean Penn
You’ve got to watch this video by TheFifa11videos—they use Ronaldo’s FIFA character model to create funny animations inside of GTA V.
Oooooh, that explains many things...
Breaking news: It wasn’t the bombs what made Japan really think about surrendering...