A Certain Idiot

Not as beautiful as “Down A Hole: The Missing Scenes Of Donald J. Trump’s Fabulous World Of Golf.” Oh, you didn’t want to watch it or hear it? Sorry, but them’s the brakes!

“Welcome to Antiques Shitshow...” (click stop)

What are you running?

Nah. Jordan’s dad is the not primary subject of this story. Jordan is. Jordan’s a grown man now. Far as anyone knows, he isn’t exactly his father. This detail, while it certainly colors this story, in no way undermines it. It doesn’t explain such simple things as “why the hell did this guy stop talking to anyone?”

A previous version of this story misnamed the North American release of Mother 2. It has been corrected.

I think it was fine until they decided to have sound on by default, which was today.

Except that mutes everything, not just the video in question.

I would add a star, but right now it’s 187 on a Hong Kong protester

Either party can terminate employment at any time with or without cause for any reason. It’s the price you pay if you want to be able to leave when you want otherwise you work til the contract ends. 

Ummm, if you’re going to have autoplay on an video article I’m not going to read/watch, could you at least have the decency to mute it?

You missed him tripping up Comtois with his stick while performing the dodge, Lauren.

...That begs the question of whether the CPC has mugs stirring up trouble in the social justice community (which would not surprise me in the least), because that is one of the only places where such logic exists (though it would be a stretch to say people lost their job because of it...).

And yet you show yourself as dumber than I’ll ever be, since you not only took the bait but didn’t get what it meant. If “all that matters” is that “it makes me feel better” (your words, not mine), then yes, you’re egotistical and self-centered. Your “good deed” isn’t a good deed at all: You’re not helping them,

Still chugging along at Skyward Sword. Just got the Fire Earrings...

Your overinflated sense of self-worth and ego is noted.

Blizzard doesn’t operate directly in China. Its servers are run by internet/gaming company NetEase, based in Guangzhou. NetEase is owned by one of the richest men in China, Ding Lei. He’s a regular on CCTV, and a CPC member (which you pretty much have to be if you’re among the economic elite in the PRC).

Also watch how you spin my words. I’m not talking about morals that are built around purchasing habits, but how ones morals can impact their purchasing habits. Huge difference there.

I’m specifically speaking about how allowing your morals to influence your purchase of an unnecessary entertainment product has

Voting with your wallet isn’t just about making a statement, or trying to financially affect a company, it also has personal value. At the end of the day, even if it is as pointless as you say, especially if it is, voting with your wallet for your own moral well being is important.

Vote with your wallets; these disgusting corporate sacks of shit will cave, quickly.

Because Ray picked the top teams in the East (Hamilton) and West (Saskatchewan). The Alouettes are second in the East, fifth in the CFL.