
"Lois Lane, a staple in more Superman stories than any other supporting character, has been long absent from the pages of DC Comics, and Hanley does a remarkable job outlining her history and the reasons why she seems to have been largely forgotten of late."

I'd kind of rather her come back as Jane…

Man, he's a character I despise so unfairly. There's nothing really wrong with Max, I just hate him for no reason. But a lot.

Emily Gilmore is the finest GG of all. I believe this. Kelly Bishop's performance in the series is as complex and nuanced a body of work as I've ever seen. My heart breaks for Emily, just as much as I want to stamp my foot and get in her face. Lorelai will never really understand the ache for the lost years that

Dikachu is a master of the silly sciences.

It's hard to talk about music with people who think "that's a really good song" as opposed to people who thing "that's a really good record." Blackbird? Great song. What got done with it to make the record? Fucking alchemy.

In other news, apparently sentient DVDs refused to have the data files of a film starring Charlie Sheen and Whoopi Goldberg burned to them.

I worship Norm MacDonald. Everything he says is funny because he says it in Norm MacDonald's voice. The most classic thing is the commentary about the death of Steve Irwin on the Daily Show:… . Hell, I even don't mind the KFC ads. The only thing I mind is his Twitter feed, which seems to

He had to assemble it from wordless pictures. It's a wonder he's alive.

I'm still trying to understand how Rory got such a shitty TARDIS.

it was whatever wig of the season.

No gingers? Doctor. Beverley. Crusher.

She looks Flemish.

Great, now I'm going to have to be unhappy that they didn't do this. Brilliant idea. Dammit

The closing sentence is for me, as it apparently is for others, the most important thing. Craig Ferguson is always welcome in my house and I'm glad he's back.

It was that damned theme song that made it fail,

It'll be the number one pirated show.

Lookin' at life like a crazy man
Just for kicks, he put his hand in the fan

Maybe he inherited his father's empire and his interest in Rory is purely professional. Okay, I can hope that, can't I?

Will someone create a show called "Framing with Fuhrman," wherein cops frame guilty people, thereby creating reasonable doubt and eventually acquittal?