
It's troperiffic!

No, I missed nothing. If you'd read my posts you could see that I see the moral ambiguity quite clearly. I believe white people are never in a position to use that word with the exception of when using it to make a point in art. And that use is limited to when portraying a first person bigot. While white people

Congratulations; that "guilty until proven innocent" comment makes me retract being the only person in all of this standing up for you.

I scrolled and scrolled and stopped here randomly. This argument needs to stop. I don't think anyone means for recognitions to be getting ganged up on but that's what's happening. I haven't read everything he's said and I don't have to. Walk away from the keyboards, please, before things you'll regret are said.

I don't get to say it. I don't WANT to say it. I don't think any white people have that right. But I used to be an actor and if a character needed to say it, it would be said from my mouth. And it would be said by someone who isn't me who has no right to say it, because it tells the story about who that person is.

You mean he's not bigoted about short people? Who knew?

Quentin Tarantino is an example what happens when it goes wrong. He uses the word himself. With Newman, it's a character in a song using a word Newman would never use in life.

Sweet Jesus, Marc Maron in the comments section of AV Club. Genius comic mind in the land of keyboard smartasses. Welcome.

Movie Movie. That is all.

No, but they told me to tell you hello.

As God is my witness, I laughed just seeing it written there. Bob Mackie's brilliance in action.

While you were busy with Randolph Mantooth, All in the Family was airing on the finest night of television ever assembled. Hyperbole is my life.

You're not, son.

It made the Grand Nagus all the more grand.

Seeing this movie as a child has left me with a lifelong phobia about large boats.

I have nothing I can possibly say about this but feel a need to say something anyway so: Scully and Mulder are equally important for it to be X-Files. Who the fuck thought it was in any way appropriate to cut corners by cheating one of the co-leads because of being female? This is the most easily quantifiable

You're so kind to me.

Oh, fine, I looked. She sounds like she's got some serious, untreated (or unsuccessfully treated) mental health issues. Very sad.

Will I want to use incognito mode?

I wanted bad things to happen for Mark. Very bad things.