
Morse has what I would consider a dream career. High level, well respected actor who can leave the house.

There's nothing like the LenoFloat 4112, if you ask me.

For so many of us, it's a disease that starts with a nasty symptom: we don't want to get better. Better is too big. We just want it to stop, to be Not This. It doesn't hurt, it doesn't not hurt.

Ann Sothern is dead. She was the only one who could've voiced Mother. THE ONLY ONE. Thank God "Private Secretary" is on Amazon Prime.…

Oh, Ms. Romano….

We have a trauma therapist on staff. Do you need to talk?

Dude's just not capable of phoning it in, is he?

I said the same thing when Groucho died but George Burns still lived. It's the right thing that we don't get to choose but I don't have to like it.

"Good morning. Can you help me with my goal of being ostracized on AVC?"

He had no choice. His manager stole virtually all his money and he needs to tour.

I'm going to Twitter now to upvote that comment. Thanks, Steve P.

I'm not sure that's right. I distinctly remember him getting snuffed by Ferengi and then Nog figured out a way to do a Weekend at Bernie's thing with him.

Your cats think you're a cat, so they start off thinking you're weird. Cats think everything that isn't prey is a cat.

Tell him what?

And you can sing this song:

Do you need a Kellogg's card?

Oh, you have a fire. Luxury! We made soup from the trash that wouldn't compost or recycle and heated it up with a stern look.

I think you could sell this as a recurring column. "Waffilicious and the Jokin' Tokin'," where you get high and critique kids tv shows.

Try it with the Teletubbies. Hell, try the Teletubbies without it; it's not all that different.

(Roy Harper scores a dime bag; gets busy)