
Yeah, but they give him dental.

Humblebragging is a newly named form of communication… it's existed forever but finally got christened… I didn't really deserve to get invited to the christening but I guess some mistake got made and I was on the guestlist!

Yeah, like all the good stuff… Step by Step… Angie… Caroline in the City…

I live in DC. We have some.

Brilliant analysis. Not to mention that the Secret Service would help get him procure hookers.

I'm still hoping for the Yeardley Smith/Helen Slater reunion.

To be fair, Jenny McCarthy has that new career of putting lives at risk with her lunatic vax position. I think it's growth from being the Playmate that farts.

Yeah, but Charlie'd have to destroy more lives before he gets to Cohn level.

Yeah, but they keep naming their anchor babies things like Tommy Terrorist and Sam Suicidebomber. I think these are fairly obvious. And, frankly, their fruition margin sucks. 14 years is *plenty*.

Thanksgiving is a'comin'….

I knew that.

Jeff - Dik… Dik, Jeff

Maybe they're air quotes and she meant it sarcastically.

She started making $7,847 a month working from home.

HI3PO would disagree…

Wish I could upvote more than once.

As God is my witness, I read the headline first as "Margaret Cho says feels VIOLATED by the new wave of Asian-led sitcoms." I clicked in immediately to find out why.

AV Club: the place where you can rely on people to spell "Bartlet" correctly.

Perhaps he thinks Ebola periodically involves a 7-10 split.

750K refugees have entered the US since 9/11. Number of them arrested for terrorism? Zero. Apparently some of us haven't gotten the message that bombing and refusing humanitarian assistance makes things worse.