
The Clinton you NEED to know.

Check with Christopher Guest.


No jokes from me (yet). I do have human sympathy for anyone with such a serious diagnosis. And I have contempt for blackmailers.

You're so not wrong. I just have a stupid ass blind spot, even for evil hypocrites.

Yeah, I know. And he even put his housekeeper at risk by using her as his mule. But, at the time, my first reaction was to feel badly for him. Irrational, total sucker.

Thank God (well, science, actually) for that. I never would've thought we'd get to be able to treat HIV as a chronic illness.

It makes me ill when people decide that their success is a reason for selfishness. The more successful I've gotten financially, the further to the left I've moved.

Thanks, you're a pal.

Wow, she must hate it there. I live next door in Takoma Park. These are very, very diverse communities with large immigrant populations (particularly large group from Ethiopia). My stepdaughter's elementary school had kids from 57 different countries. Takoma Park (which I often describe as being the perfect blend

;-) Good point. And using tinyurl doesn't exactly make the trust flag fly, either. Anyway, the link is to the Ned Beatty speech from Network. It's all over YouTube if you're interested in watching it just from the context of the thread.

In DC or in the burbs? Some of our burbs are as lily white as Great Falls Montana.

It seems like the War on Christmas starts earlier every year….

Not us!

For a rich guy, going on the Today show beats admitting liability to individuals by contacting them and telling them he's put them at risk. Oh, wait, I misspoke. For a rich asshole. There, that's better.

We're not destroying the middle class.

Tiger blood producers are notoriously lax. Even WTO sanctions won't get them in line.

Even if he's the Gaetan Dugas of situation comedy, I'd still feel badly for him. I'm a sucker; I even felt bad for Rush Limbaugh over his addiction issues.

Even after all these years, new reasons are welcome.

I agree but for one thing: editing. Marcia Lucas edited the space battle scenes brilliantly. Also, not a George Lucas accomplishment.