
Some of us go too far the other way. "You have to understand the influence of Hal Blaine on Ringo's evolution as a drummer. His use of tom-toms derives much from Blaine, who assisted in the design of Ringo's later Beatles kits…"

The effects are okay. I'm glad they cemented the shot where a big ship comes in from the top of the screen for the Imperial Cruiser; Kubrick used the same shot for the first time in 2001. I'm disagreeing with Joseph Campbell his own brilliant self here, but I think the hero's journey in it is fairly weak. I don't

Oh, you crazy kids and your wordplay…. it's a rite of passage….

Nostalgia isn't about music. It's about what you were doing when you *heard* the music, not about the music itself. The music can be fantastic but the vast majority of the people you'll encounter only hear music as it relates to themselves or their memories. "Oh, I remember the first time I heard 'Ramblin' Man'…."

Where were you when I was in the writers' room?

I was the walrus but we downsized. Now I'm the naked mole rat.

It's a good joke but the Monkees worked their asses off to try to get the network to let it be about the music. They had some success at it.

You think there's something untoward about people like me who were born in the 50s singing "she was just seventeen… you know what I mean" at the top of their lungs?

I'm now resisting the urge to speak of pizza oven drives and computers with no monitors (I'm looking at you, Burroughs B80 and L9000, although the B80 had LEDs). And I'm not even really a tech person! We may have explored our old-fart-tech nostalgia/competition show enough.

100 people surveyed, top five answers on the board… do …I ….see …. lens flares? <ding> 63!

There's always Entertainment Weekly.

I want a conspiracy video and I want it now and I want to find enough people who remember Jessica Savitch for it to actually be viewed properly.

Let me know how it goes. See you next week!

Yup, a great deal of value but no one remembers it and it wasn't successful on its own. I remember the machines; they were awesome and cost a bloody fortune.

Microsoft: superior by acquisition and business sense. Even DOS wasn't an original product; it was ported over from CP/M. The brilliance of companies comes from knowing what they have. Xerox failed at this. MS, at the beginning, didn't. They realized IBM didn't think the PC was anything but a gateway to minis and

Yeah but Next was a huge suc… something… I was going to say "success" but something came up…

Can you help me get my Lisa to boot?

The lost brother of the Arthur Carlson on WKRP in Cincinnati.

I don't think the Beatles are even the Beatles. The myth of them has outstripped and ruined the experience of the band. For many, the music is just nostalgia; all about the person hearing the music and not about the music at all. It's small wonder that many in your generation are sick of hearing about them.

I can't remember at all and it's very paraphrased. I'm so sorry. It might've been gear and gearheads instead of audiophiles or any number of other variations.