
The correct sauce makes all the difference

I so wish I'd thought of it first.

And smoking a chesterfield

It's a pleasure? Where'd you hear that?

Oh, you were allowed to punch the alligators? We had to pledge them our love while dancing an underwater tarantella with them after we paid them four bits.

Well, yes, we did build drawbridges but we had to wear alligator costumes while we did it. Try telling that to kids today.

They show up when you least expect them but they're gone the minute they have to eat with Gator.

I have to build the drawbridges to cross the moats to get to the doors and then strike them after the show, just like everyone else.

Wasn't the '91 the last year they had the 8-track in it? That was a beauty. Even then, they thought it was old fashioned. It's like saying Jesus is old fashioned if you ask me.

Was she one of the Davenport Davenports?

I heard that while most people use their equipment for playing music, audiophiles use music for playing their equipment.

Oh, la di da, the wandering minstrels. Where I come from, I have to go door to door and find minstrels who'll play music for me.

Dammit, you'll never get my Koss Pro-4 AA headphones until you pry them from my cold, dead ears…. wow, that sounds just wrong….

It's what the family wanted.

Thursday… veal… tip…

Yes, Aisha Tyler, but she was a major exception.

Sometimes folks need calling out and I needed it then. I made presumptions I shouldn't have and then proceeded based on those presumptions. My apologies. However, while it wasn't an intentional cheap trick, I still believe your argument was a strawman logical fallacy. It's a trap I've fallen into often enough

There didn't used to be a show on after The Daily Show. One got created. When Dave Letterman got screwed out of the Tonight Show, a new show got created on CBS; it's called The Late Show. When Conan got screwed out of the Tonight Show, a new show was created on TBS. It's called "Conan". Yes, I'm aware that

I can vouch for this: overpriced beer is available pretty much anywhere in DC

Whatever it takes to make Kamala Khan an Avenger is okay by me. Go big or go home.