
My college (GMU) has become a wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Industries. I'd prefer they didn't try.

I'm hiding this in the middle of the thread because it's all oogy. The site writers set a great tone that attracts the people who have created the most consistently excellent comment threads I've seen in my almost 25 years on the Internet.

It's the default code color. The rest of the codes are just trying to take the country away.

And whatnot.

I was second in line once. It was horrible.

Studio Audience: Woooooooooooooooo

I have no interest in being fair.

They were going for realism. As we know from Friends, except for sassy maids, there are almost no people of color in New York.

You're point is well taken. I'll have a stern chat with my proofreader later this morning.

Yeah, sorry… my comment sounded like a correction but it was clear what you meant and there was nothing to correct. I apologize.

If we could get Richard Belzer to play John Munch on one of them, my life would be complete.

I guess I see your point. I may talk it over with my colleague, Clark.

The buildings in National City are too tall. We don't have skyscrapers in DC.

This isn't really the time and place but I'm pushing 60 and I'm sick to effing death of hearing millennials badmouthed. I think of millennials and music: you know yours and ALL of mine, too. You work harder, have fewer opportunities and kick serious ass. We on the boomer side have left you crap but you remain

I've never seen an acceptable live Lex.

Universe: bigger place, smaller Guardians.

She's also Jack Cassidy's granddaughter, and he was a notable musical star. Among other things, he appeared in the 1966 musical "It's a Bird… It's a Plane… It's Superman".

No, no, no, no… no Perd in Shondaland. Shonda's great and all but… he can be someone else on Scandal. Not Perd. NOT PERD!!!!!!!

Do we really want to do this? "BBC (Big Black C**k for the uninitiated)" and wanting "it" because it's attached to a black guy plays into the whole racist Mandingo trope. It was, however, ultimately just a joke, I may well be overreacting and would be really happy to not have a pissing contest.

Next time I get a pet, I'm naming it Gallifrey Johnson.