
They didn't ask me. Kal-el Kent and Gotham's protector, Bruceman, had some problems.

I dream of them allowing him to actually be Perd. Perd's career could've taken off, he could've left Pawnee for National City, and the idea of Parks and Rec being part of the DCU makes me squeal. I'm 56 years old. Squeal.

Wow, racist and sexist in five words. You're certainly efficient.

She's a classy tomatah.

"Zee zee zee zee zee." It's designed to annoy the crap out of Blue until he finds Olsen to make it stop.

Dammit, I HATE making the same joke as an earlier commenter. Sorry, Drizzt. I'm not Dane Cook, I swear.

Wait… she's related to Superman? I need to watch more closely.

I haven't seen the episode yet, so I have a question: is she still plucky?

Testify, Brother Travis, testify!

Selma Diamond… Rest in Peace….

Tatum O'Neal also won an Academy award.

Another long suffering dirty ape role. Why, Judy, why? Do we have to send Patricia Clarkson over to give you a talking to?

Hail Bob.

It is NOT.

Everything needs more Anthony Zerbe. Well, except those things that have plenty of Anthony Zerbe. Like "An Evening With Anthony Zerbe." That had pretty much the right amount.

I have it on good authority that "Rectal Personality Disorder" will be introduced at the next American Psychological Association conference. I know this because I thought of it and my shrink thinks it's something he needs to share with his friends.

We're never going to win on that one. People are going to get it wrong until "trooper" becomes acceptable usage.

Sweet Jesus, what a funny movie. I'm old enough that I saw this bad boy in the theatre on its original release. Art Carney,Ann Reinking, George C. Scott, Trish Van De Vere, Red Buttons, Eli Wallach. Out of old man pride, I'm not going to look this up to confirm my memory, but there were two movies and a trailer.