
They mostly stick to Facebook.

You know things are bad when people start clamoring to be "saved" to a movie that Disney tried to fucking TRADEMARK the phrase "DIA DE LOS MUERTOS" for.

I liked that show! What was so bad about it?

Golden age of television is more or less right now.

Even the official BBC channel had a self deprecating chuckle at this. Pretty awesome of them:

Why do people care so much about pets? Animals only mimic affection to get food. And yet people have more empathy for them than humans. Everyone goes boohoo when the dog dies In John Wick despite we having learned that his WIFE died. A dog is not a replacement for a wife. If my wife was dying I'd rather her dying gift

This is why I don't go traveling. Just the fact that I might get mugged (as well as the fact that I was lucky enough to have parents who traveled a lot and thus I went to everywhere interesting already) keeps me from going, so I don't understand why you would willingly put yourself in danger like this. Or keep doing

*incoming rant*

THANK YOU! I thought I was the only person who hated Batman Forever more than Batman and Robin. B&R at least is hilariously bad. Forever is just as campy and garish yet utterly joyless, thanks to the movie considering Jim Carrey's overplayed shtick "humor".

I would unironically enjoy this.

But what kind of company even allows you to work your way from the bottom like that anymore? To me THAT was the most damaging aspect of the film.

Either Die Antwoord or Chappie, depending on who you consider the sidekick in that train wreck.

Vandimir Putin

I don't get the health food craze. Everyone's lives seem to be more miserable than ever, world is going to hell and people want to live LONGER? Why? Are they afraid of death? Of hell? An instinctual thing? Why?

CGI Peter Cushing needs to keep to video game cutscenes where he belongs.

I guess that's an American thing? I live in Europe and only experince dead silent audiences.

Not to mention travel all around the world by themselves and regularly fight (and WIN) against tacky clothed terrorist groups.

Imagine a world in which society was entirely centered on cockfighting or dogfighting. Only instead of just roosters and dogs, you use EVERY ANIMAL.

How do you find the strength to stay alive when everything looks like it will collapse in the next decades or such? I don't live in the US, so there's nothing I can do besides token efforts (I don't own a car, and try to avoid meat when I can). I am actively waiting for the only people who care about me (my parents,

…I use mine to go shopping. What is the mature alternative, tote bags? If so, why does being "mature" force you to use a more uncomfortable bag?