
"How do you guys wrestle with this contradiction, if, in fact, you find one here?"

I live on my own and am not dependent on them financially, thankfully. It's just that I have no friends and constantly fear losing my job and be forced back.

My therapist once told me I had "excessive empathy" (in the sense that I often put other people's needs in front of my own to an unhealthy degree). Telling that to my conservative minded parents was a mistake since now whenever I rail about these kinds of viewpoints they go "there's that excessive empathy!"

I get so fucking depressed by the fact that so many people seem to consider "basic respect for people different than you" to be "far left".

I keep hearing that Professor Monkey-for-a-Head was supposed to be his mockery of the theory of evolution, but only through forum posts or Twitter comments. Anyone know of any credible sources for this?

The Portuguese press simply rendered the phrase as "I’m not trying to suck my own penis". I am apalled at our terrible translators and this persistent euphemizing is why I keep having trouble relating to my parents just how insane this administration is.

Here's a depressing article someone linked me recently: according to the testimony of someone known as "John Doe 150" (yes, as in VICTIM NUMBER 150), said kid complained about being molested by Sandusky to Paterno and the latter just said "I don't want to hear about any of that stuff, I have a football season to worry

I'd say it's enhancing business: after all, whenever I mention in any internet forum "if things are so shitty, why shouldn't I kill myself" I get several replies of "get therapy".

My own mother deliberately tried to avoid me having any interest in politics since, in her own words, "people only develop their own opinions* by the time they are 30. All those people you see in "youth politics" organizations are just parroting what their parents tell them". As a result, I am now 29 and most of my

That doesn't make any sense. If that were true then there would be no social progress.

According to box office mojo the movie cost 144 million and it made 128 million domestic and 101 million abroad so I guess it did "meh"

Wasn't it Delta Airlines?

"My wife kept telling me to watch Irreversible"

I don't go camping because I might get murdered.
I don't go traveling because I might get mugged.
I don't exercise because I might get injured.
I avoid people because they usually either betray me or avoid me.
I eat right so I don't get obese (my unusually high metabolism helps), which minimizes the only drawback of

You are mistaken. That wasn't a "horror movie", it was a "psychological thriller", a totally real thing and not a pretentious and meaningless distinction to avoid the unacceptable notion that the horror genre can have any sort of artistic merit.

I'd wish for all greenhouse gases to return to pre-industrial levels. Worst case scenario is causing a few pandemics from previously eradicated diseases but it's not like the melting of the permafrost wasn't doing that anyway.

I really hope it doesn't. Ready Player One is essentially a masturbatory fantasy of a man obsessed with his own childhood whose stand in manages to become the most important person in the world thanks to his encyclopediac 80s knowledge. And he did it AGAIN with Armada. I admit to have not read it but when I read the

Looks like those clowns in Congress did it again!

Don't worry, turns out that there are MULTIPLE Jokers, so just ignore the ones you don't like!

Not even that, Dr. Evil's crew was a lot more competent than he was. This is more along the lines of COBRA.