
Because "genius" is not a generic quality that can applied to any field. These people found their talent/interest in tech so they go to tech. Healthcare and student loans are political issues that require completely separate skill sets.

The hilarious thing is that only describes Season 2 of the show: Season 1 was a straight detective show with Mitch Buchanan and the detective from Baywatch. When that didn't give enough ratings instead of just canceling it, someone (probably whatever genius thought a Baywatch spin-off without boobs would work) just

Why does everyone keep dunking on this feature? I rather enjoy it.

"Old men running the world. A new age!"

Nah, if the last few Scooby crossovers are any indication, it's going to be John Cena under the mask.

I don't understand why people post anything with their real names. It always backfires. If you're looking to discuss a controversial topic just create an alt account.

A lot of my coworkers to refer to me as Sheldon. When I complained to my therapist she mentioned she never saw BBT so she couldn't comment but if there was anyone on TV I reminded her of it was Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds. I have no idea whether I should be flattered or insulted (Lea in towards the latter).

It's fucked up in lower keyed ways.

As a Portuguese citizien, I can attest to the fact that Portugal is already fucked up. Por isso, bem podem tirar o cavalinho da chuva, americanos idiotas.

Equal parts honey and water.

I'm sorry, but that's not an answer. Hate to insist but I must know and this is not the sort of thing you ask in the real world (I avoided asking my therapist this because she has children herself and I don't want to have to say "Your child will likely live a horrible life" to her face).

You sound like an intelligent person so please answer me this: why? World is clearly going to hell. The political situation, climate change all points to the existence we know collapsing in the next 50 years. Why subject a child to this? Is it because you think your child will somehow make a difference? Do you believe

So what is the gateway to a "good job"? Business is purely "who you know", Engineering and CS kicks you out as soon as you turn 35, writing is what we just discussed and skilled trades make you a crippled invalid by the time you are 50. So what is left? Should I just hang myself then? NO JOKE RESPONSES PLEASE.

I don't understand this attitude: isn't educating people about their privilege and failure of the institutions they take for granted a good thing?

"Hopefully you have been taught to never fear rejection in the workplace. Remember, a “no” is free. Ask for the world and pay no mind if you are initially turned down."

OK, sorry if this is off topic but I cannot take it anymore.

Sarkozy has already dropped out.

…I thought a comedian's job was to make jokes. When did the definition change?

As long as there isn't an asshole who decides to SPOILER end all humanity at the end because it's apparently better for the whole human race to die just because capitalism is bad.

We're living in unstable times and I cannot fault any man who doesn't want to make waves. I myself would like to live in peace and do what I am told, for this is what the educational system has taught me to do and apparently now everyone says things don't work this way.