Suffolk County, Long Island felt it!
Sorry - I realize that I had a lot of references in there; I didn't mean to leave the commenters with no material.
Ok, let's get this started:
No - I agree with you. I mean to reply to CutePuppyz.
And one day, we will bow down before them. But for now, they're so damned cute!
If that orangutan starts talking, please shoot it.
Wheel, fire, bow + arrow, animal-drawn tractors —
+1 for Animal house reference!
As a native New Yorker, this makes me very happy. It's nice to know that we don't always represent the "bad rap" that's normally affiliated with a "New Yorker."
Lockinfo? Mobile Notifier? Bite SMS? Etc etc etc?
Amazing. I award you +1 Internetz
How are you not starred yet?!
+1 point for stream-of-consciousness writing and not giving a damn about spelling
Customers should call their local congressmen, representatives, etc. and petition for change. In fact, we should SEE petitions. Customers need to band together and get these points down on paper. The faster this is done, the less likely the cable companies are to develop new ideas to screw us.
@Cray0n Sorry, I did not want to approve your comment. Everyone makes mistakes. However, when you're an editor/writer/etc. of a blog (and in this case, an article that has already received 15,245 views as of this posting), then it behooves me to think that one does not have 10-15 minutes to proofread one's article.