
I only use it for surfing porn

He can 3D print a detailed jet, but can’t print a phone stand?

+1 There are too many entitled assholes out there who know next to nothing about game development and marketing, but the internet has no problem making them into experts. The game is barely into its third year of development, which is par for a mainstream title. And, in those 3 years, they’be developed over 50 ships,

Another click-bait type of article ... Why would Kotaku stoop this low? This is a MASSIVE undertaking of a game, and CIG is accomplishing things never before done in large scale, massive game-play. Typical game development is 2-5 years. Why would anyone assume this would occur in less time, or even the same amount of

Fuck everyone else, take all the time and money you need. It is good to have an icarus every once in awhile; it doesn’t matter if your wings burn off as long as you take us higher.

It looks pleasant enough, but I had higher hopes, I'm afraid.

This guy probably never gets laid...

This Contig works perfectly for me. No spills ever.

Another great computer read is "Computer One," by Warwick Collins.

FACEBOOK: What do you do to pictures of little girls, Laxman?

Then also, because Nature is horrific, there is the snake-tailed spider.

Those baby birds turned out okay, right?

I really expected to read this and see that this thing was native to Australia.

NEED MORE TOMCAT PRON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you cruising for dates?

Comcast will be there between 8:00am and 6:00pm.

grow up.

You should be. by focusing only on the drive way incident and omitting the rest you do your readers no service, and sound no different than the hacks over at Salon.

That's a healthy reaction, especially for leaving out 90% of the timeline on which this bizarre behavior occurred.

A home run? This article completely ignores multiple other examples of Dunham's disturbing behavior with her sister. Was it done on purpose or out of the author's total ignorance of the actual details of the story?