Make sure it’s region-free if you import it!
Make sure it’s region-free if you import it!
Ignore this post and save your money. The storm is coming for us too.
If it’s a previously owned or older house, I’d also recommend replacing the toilet seats. Just sayin...
How is THIS not a slideshow?
Man, oh man! The writer of this article is in DIRE need of a week long cruise!
“Warehouse Employees Steal Over $35,000 Worth Of Video Cards”...
Didn’t the Roc do live episodes on the East Coast?
I think the consensus was that none of the other fund managers had anything invested with him because it was too good to be true, yet none of them thought to mention that to anyone with any power to do anything about it.
You forgot the group that will deny their existence and claim it’s a hoax, even when faced with overwhelming evidence proving otherwise.
Thanks for the change up! I can’t make this stuff for a bit but I am enjoying the fantasy of crafting the ideal board game night menu/experience!
That’s a Venn diagram with a lot of overlap.
It’s pretty easy to predict how humans would react to aliens. Some will worship them, others will want to kill them, and of course there will be a group who will want to have sex with them.
I have owned an RV and a boat and was gleefully dancing in the streets when I sold both. just tired of the constant expensive (even if you do it yourself) maintenance.
I like to call these games accidental workout games. They are super fun, and then the next day or two will make you wonder why you're so sore in your legs.
“Alas, poor Yorick6969420, I knew him, xHoratiox23897. A fellow of infinite cash, of excellent weaponry. In heists he hath born me on his back a thousands time and oh, how abhorrent a pilot was he. The memories haunt me.
So I’m definitely not in the “I paid mine off so f*ck everybody else” camp, and I’d love to see these people helped, but there’s one thing I don’t understand: is forgiveness just a one-time occurence? So everybody who has student loan debt now essentially wins a birthdate lottery, and future students start building up…
I frequently see two things mentioned in regards to crypto (and other investments):
There needs to be an article with the headline, “Why Reading About EVE Online Is Better Than Actually Playing EVE Online”