
I'd be quiet interested in hearing what "other women" have to say on the topic, TBH. But the media circus around Sarkeesian (which may or may not have jump-started the discussion) has somewhat sidelined anything they have to say.

Wasn't the point that her not playing video games impacts her knowledge of the subject; not that it impacts her motivation to sound off on it?

You mean other than videos of her saying as much as a guest speaker at various panels?

"Well researched" - by someone who doesn't even play the games she's criticising?

Ironically, they contend that a portion of the threats against Sarkessian, Wu, Quinn, et all were a black-flag in an attempt to discredit the GGers. And then no doubt a proportion of them would generalise people like you as "a bunch of bunch of butch militant lezzers" or the like.

Sad, but entirely by design. When an issue like this gets hijacked by ideologues on both sides, demonifying the opposition is inevitable.

It might not be an academic paper - but perhaps she shouldn't use the word "academic" herself in her videos to describe the treatment if she didn't want people to hold it to the same level of scrutiny.

"also includes commercial breaks, a fact that consumers accepted for decades"- Speak for yourself. Getting charged twice (for subscription and via advertising) has been an aggravating piss-take ever since it came to the UK via satellite TV. "Been coerced into tolerating for decades" is more accurate; and the more

5. not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased:
an objective opinion.

Will the release of Castle in the Sky be restricted to the shitty Disney dub; or will there be the original English theatrical dub too?

"Have it both ways"?
Reading comprehension fail on your part.

How does it "celebrate" it? Admittedly the time-shifting narrative obscures how much screen-time is given to each phase of their relationship; but to my memory way more time was spent on him crushing on her and playing Smiths CDs to try and get her attention; and then him having a massive breakdown with Agent Phil

The whole point of the film was illustrating that sappy preconceptions about "love" and "romance" of the sort you find in romantic films and - indeed - greetings cards have no basis in reality. That realism is heavily undercut with the bullshit ending of "oh, and your reward for learning that lesson is to have a

"Even the most incompetent journalist knows that a promotional press junket is not the place for questions like this."

"9. A surprising number of people, especially journalists, seem to have
misunderstood that this was not awkward, or “Ayoade v Guru-Murthy”. It
wasn’t him taking me on, or turning the tables, or being rude. We were
having a laugh." -…

After the Tarantino interview, it's hard to imagine how anyone on the publicity circuit could be under any misapprehension about C4's take on interviews with celebrities.

He got asked about his past comments about "not being a liberal" - that's a very fertile topic of discussion. He could've nailed his colours to the mast one way or another; or taken the discussion into a line of reasoning that appealed to him.

RDJ and Tarantino and their publicists might have expected it to be; but guess what, C4 News doesn't exist to shill their product. The quid-pro-quo is the interviewer gets to throw in as many non-promotional questions as he can fit in in exchange for giving them airtime.

That's your prerogative. Personally if I cared about any of that, I'd watch the Actor's Studio and other documentaries about film-making and makers. I find most of that stuff to be incredibly banal; and no doubt the sort of thing that gets repeated ad nauseum by the churnalistic press.

Hah listen to yourself! "In April 1996, Downey was arrested for possession of heroin, cocaine and an unloaded .357 Magnum handgun while he was speeding down Sunset Boulevard." - yeah, he's a fuckin' saint!