Account Killer 7

You can neither expect teenagers nor conservatives to possess the self-awareness to recognize what they’re saying. You may as well interview a sock for the thoughtful insights you’ll find.

And the olds are more interested in doing fuck all about the horrible reality they’ve created. Who is more at fault here?

I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next crazy person, but it’s a hell of a lot more likely that the people making decisions on these machines are simply incompetent and lack a practical understanding of modern information security.

If you’re going to troll, at least put some effort into it, you fucking waste of skin.

If you own a $40 million yacht and have no better place to put it than fucking Ohio, you deserve anything that’s coming to you.

Businesses that rely on people buying and selling stocks claim that Millennials aren’t spending enough money on stocks, huh?

If cops are so desperate to change their image as corrupt assholes, maybe they should stop being corrupt assholes.

She’s a conservative. None of them know what socialism is beyond “it’s very, very bad.”

On behalf of Portland, please ignore the rest of our state. It’s all crazy white trash outside of the I-5 corridor.

Attorney-client privilege just means that an attorney can not be compelled to provide damning evidence against their client. They’re entirely free to give it up willingly if it turns out that their client is the worst person in history.

She spends every waking composing angry op-eds about the topic for publication in DC trade journals, when she is not working her second job to pay the rent!

I believe he’s referring to that doctor who got his faced busted open as he was dragged from a plane. Last year, maybe?

I’d imagine they’d argue that because flying is now so cheap, airlines lack the funds necessary for the R&D and new planes/retrofitting your idea would require.

No, they don’t. Georgia deserves exactly what it gets for having a population of dumbshit white trash vote against their best interests.

In a better world, we could hope for a horribly violent murder-suicide.

Do it, Jersey! You’ll still be America’s joke state, but it’ll be a much cooler joke.

Bret Michaels is rapidly becoming a geriatric woman with failing eyesight and an undying fondness for eyeliner.

Wow! Despite being in the grays, my comment is significantly more popular than the idiotic shit you keep posting. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before.

Stop posting this shit, you ignorant cunt. 

That’s an impressively stupid take. I’d offer you a cookie for your efforts, but I’m afraid you’d find some way to bludgeon your dumb ass to death with it.