
Get me out of here, send help

OJ will be guest hosting in a couple of months.

She’s doing “Hey let’s re-visit some old murder case because it’s the anniversary”.

She’s doing “Hey let’s re-visit some old murder case because it’s the anniversary”.

Please, let there be a Jodi Arias jailhouse interview. Please.

“Hi, Lyle, what’s the over/under on players taking a knee before the Bears/Packers game tonight?”

Oh man, that would be so great if they had a “Calling Lyle” segment every day.

So on that note, and full disclosure: I don’t/won’t/can’t watch this ... what the hell is this Lyle Menendez thing?

NBC is running L&O - Menendez. She’s a commercial.

Menendez thing is all because of Law and Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders airing Tuesday nights on NBC. Network advertising synergy! Isn’t it great?

I mean, they should...

NBC is currently running a show called Law and Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders covering the trial like FX did for the OJ trial. The interview is basically just a promotion for that. Not sure why they’re spreading it out over multiple days, don’t watch it either.

“what the hell is this Lyle Menendez thing?”

More likely as a promotional tie-in for Law and Order:True Crime/The Menedez Brothers, also on NBC.

I was under the assumption she was doing it as a bit to advertise for a full interview, but I’m starting to think you’re more in the right. I’m not watching the show either, just reading the synopsis and posting gifs about how it make me feel.

“Now I don’t want you to think I’m weird, but - when you eat a human body, where do you start?”

Oh, won’t someone think of the clowns!

If I’d just been shot in the face by a clown, and the clown had one of those tiny bowler hats and then honked one of those little bike horns at me, I’ll admit I might snicker before I went to the light.

My Swiftian “Modest Proposal”

I think they should ban abortion, but the caveat being the state has to buy the baby for $250,000 per kid, payable to the mother.