
For fuck’s sake he’s still trying to claim he’s an “Injun”?

I hope he receives the same quality of medical care that every other jail/prison inmate in the country receives.

Alzheimer’s is hell. May she rest in peace.

Not exactly like Harry asked to be born into it, and since his mother’s death, all he’s wanted to do was escape. I think once the queen dies, he’ll quit completely, change his name, and open a muffler shop.

By looking the other way and acting as though these serious allegations are a totally normal thing is precisely how predators get away with all the shit they do.

There really is no harm done if someone decides to use abortion as birth control.

Andrew Yang’s comments show that he is getting bad, anti-choice information from bad, anti-choice sources. The idea that it is a tragedy that not all people want to get married and have children is STRAIGHT out of the anti-choice, alt-right religious playbook. He really just showed his true self with this.

Stoya (the former porn star and sometimes blogger) actually wrote an article about how she's gotten a couple abortions because she cannot use hormonal birth control. And that's A-OK.

I ride Greyhound often, I ain't afraid of European charter buses.

I hope they develop a better contingency plan for keeping people entertained during these quarantines.

I’d like to do a river cruise in Europe, but that’s it. Otherwise cruises are unappealing to me for myriad reasons, including disease outbreaks and potential stranding.

it’s gotta be so weird for Harry not to be having to go do royal engagements and stuff. Like...wake up when you want, eat what you want, wear sweatpants all day...must take some getting used to. It’s like leaving a cult.

This, that, the same type of media harassment that killed his mother  - separately all good reasons to quit, but combined? Yikes.

That wasn’t the creepy part. The creepy part was a stranger telling the father of three young children that the little girl was her “favorite”. What kind of deranged weirdo chooses favorites of other people’s children whom they have never met?

I read a quote from one witness who described his genitals as "deformed or intersex". That a male juror who presumably has seen a barrel of pickles in locker rooms and porn was shocked says something.

Lots of people don't believe that, though. I think it wasn't until 1994 that marital rape became a crime in all 5o states.

And people wonder why Harry quit.

They do in some places, yes.

I really do not understand why catlick schools still insist on dressing children in quite possibly the most fetishized outfit they can. But then, I don’t understand why they protect sexual abusers either...

They are defaming the good name of Darwin.