
There is literally a law (not just a union contract), an actual law, in California that prevents cops from being fired directly and immediately.

“Spare the rod and spoil the child” is literally the verse (or paraphrase of the verse) they use to justify all kinds of severe abuse. I’ve personally seen them use it. They believe god has commanded them to hit their kids. They start smacking them when they’re infants.

Oh FFS she was trying to not be a Bridezilla about what the flower girls wore and leave the choice up to the parents, *IF* the damn thing even happened and wasn't completely fabricated by the press.

Its been pretty obvious to me that that's been his big fear all along, especially as he reaches the age his mother was when she died. I completely understand why they wanted to get away from the British press.

Right?! It seems like even 10 years ago, the narrative around celebs going to rehab was that they were total fuckups and rehab was something shameful, to be sneered at. I'm glad there has been a shift.

Yes, it’s very similar for women, getting a twisted view of what men find attractive because of how the *average* popular female porn star looks - but, it’s much asier for me to find a female porn star with my body type than it is for dudes to find similar dicks.

of it’s any comfort to you, the big dick thing in porn has more to do with the camera itself and the male gaze - dudes in general don’t want to watch porn featuring dudes with average or small dicks.

I mean, TCF is pretty clear that she’s talking about her specific experiences, she doesn’t try to generalize it to everyone else.

“demonstrating care, being empathetic, and having more information about his character before sleeping with him”

As I recall from when the term “GGG” originated in the Savage Love column*, “good” referred to “not being intentionally bad at the thing your partner wants to try” - e.g. if your partner wants to have their pussy ate, you make a sincere effort to do it well, instead of just, like, sticking your tongue out and

They only “made public” their “relationship” when she turned 18 - the impression I got was that they had been together in secret for some time before.

I’m pretty sure they don’t - only the big anchor stores have them, the small retail spaces for, like, shoe stores do not.

yes, though there are groups of dedicated antifascists who do stuff like run blogs that doxx fascists, and back when I was a youngin', published zines and newsletters. 

“and on Antifa websites.”

bathrooms are going to be the big problem. Mall bathrooms are generally spaced pretty far apart, and most of the store spaces have no plumbing to speak of.

It can certainly be a source of trauma for people who were abused by family, bullied by peers, and oppressed by institutions. It might or might not be something that bothers Elliot Page, but as somebody else said, he chose a name that’s easy for people to remember so accidental deadnaming may be less likely.

I don’t think it would end up being much different than anyone else who acted under a different name at one point or another - credits would probably stay the same, IMDB or Wiki entries would probably be something along the lines of “Juno; 2007 (as Ellen Page)“ or “X-men; 2000 (credited as Rebecca Romijn-Stamos)"

Sexting would, in my mind, cross the line from "emotional affair" to "cheating".

lets be real clear about this: more than half of white people voted for trump. White people make up 2/3 of the electorate. It is 100% our fault he was elected. White people, men or women, have NO place blaming any minority groups for election results. We do not have the moral high ground. 

I emotional affair where they didn’t have sex? Is that what happened? I don’t think it’s fair to call someone a whore if they waited until after you and your spouse split up to have sex.