According to Lifehacker the only use for a Raspberry Pi is as a retro gaming system.
According to Lifehacker the only use for a Raspberry Pi is as a retro gaming system.
I'd love to be able to trim mine myself (my barber does it), so I'm constantly on the lookout for videos like this. There aren't any tips here though.
This really should be titled, "how your barber will trim your beard." I don't see tips for self-trimming in here, which is a totally different beast than having someone else trim it for you. I speak as a man with a large beard.
Editor's Note: *pointedly stares at people who get angry every time I mock Midwestern food sensibilities*
What's it like living in 2007?
Yea, but no LTE, so why bother?
Finally! Obamacare for the internet!
What?! People actually do this?
Cross-posting this article to Deadspin would really liven up the discussion here.
41 minutes after you posted they are at 2.5 million. I foresee production delays based on demand.
That's exactly what they did.
I love your recipes, and I plan on trying to soft-boil an egg for the first time after reading this. Can we get some more vegetarian recipes? I just started dating a vegetarian (I know, I know) and would like to impress her.
Who uses this many batteries?!
Who uses this many batteries?!
Where thesis = Reddit post
I too hope to one day work myself nearly to death, retire early with enough money to slack off for 4 months, then start a passion project which turns into additional income slash second career. Doesn't this happen to everyone?
At my school they were "Somebody Anybody Everybody", and they were eventually kicked off campus for drug and alcohol-related violations. Scummiest frat I can think of.
Who would want to vacation with their family as an adult?
$34 per dongle and $10,000 for a microfluidic cassette
Come down to Lawrenceville, C.A., I'll buy you a High Life.