Ginga Ninja

I wish there was some kind of easy way to tell how this conversation went down. I read a bunch of tweets and I'm still unclear on what was going on.

Yea, I totally agree, she's got some expensive accessories. It's a function of her being in Silicon Valley though. Still, some of the bags featured here have like 10x the amount of things in them and probably add up to the same total value just with many many cheaper objects.

Here I was thinking it was refreshing to finally have a bag from someone who seemed normal and not like a hoarder who had to carry around everything they own.

And you are going to be the same guy who complains about Windows 9 being different and refusing to even try it because blahblahblahblahblah.

Dear Lifehacker,

The prison thing might be true, but in 1980 they renovated the 1932 facilities and added a few new pieces of infrastructure for new events. I'm trying to point out that if they did it right renovating the existing buildings there would be much much cheaper than building from scratch somewhere else.

I'm guessing Lake Placid would jump at the chance to host it again. The town still acts like it's 1980 Olympic fever.

There's nothing wrong with that, but in cases like this where no one wants to spend the outsized amount of cash to build a largely useless infrastructure, why not have the committee explore holding the event in a previous location?

File this under "Never Gonna Happen".

Why not a place like Lake Placid? It has already hosted 2 Winter Olympics and the infrastructure is still there. Not to mention the entire town is Olympic-crazy. I don't understand why it's so necessary to host these events in new places every 4 years.

It's meant to look like C3PO's torso

I just don't get it. I love the fact that my girlfriend has different interests than me. It makes no sense to date someone who loves exactly the same things as you. Also he gives off the impression that even when he meets a girl who can tell him "what her favorite FF game is" he tells her she's wrong.

Yes, they do. My point, however, is that planned tattoos do not equal letting the nerd flag fly. Planned tattoos do not exist on your body. No one can look at a planned tattoo on your arm and go, that dude is really nerdy.

Has actually caught them all?

He mentions that girls he meets only play MMOs casually. As opposed to playing them so much that they let their relationships suffer? YOU DON'T PLAY WORLD OF WARCRAFT FOR AT LEAST 7 HOURS PER DAY? UNDATEABLE.

I got the exact same vibe from this guy. He claims he's flying the nerd flag high and then two sentences later he says that all the nerdy references in his music are hard to decipher, and he's got nerdy tattoos...PLANNED. It sounds like the nerd flag is at half mast at best, or that he's trying too hard to be some

Can we feature some bags that don't contain an iPhone and a Macbook Pro?