
I bought my (feline) boys Christmas jumpers and they’re going to look adorable. They’ve already suffered through Santa Hats. One of them can be bribed into anything, but the other might get a break from the misery because I don’t want to torment him (unless I can figure out what he’s bribable with).

I don’t really get why people aren’t classifying this as domestic terrorism. He deliberately attacked a place where CIVILIANS go to get MEDICAL CARE. It wasn’t just to randomly kill people, it was to make women too afraid to go to PP. How is that not terrorism?!?!

Athleta is my absolute fav.

I did martial arts for years. Didn’t help when I was raped. Or assaulted. Because each time, I was nearly unconscious. people not wear panties with leggings and such?

They’re all awful. Baby bump is the least awful.

That’s a super Is that a dog? Anyways. Super cute. 10/10 would cuddle. Dog/thing, not Ben Carson.

I’m fb acquaintances with a view Matt Walsh devotees. I can never take him seriously, but it’s even better this time, because he linked to Daily Mail.

I’m fb friends with some relatives of some of the American Catholic church higher ups (cardinals or whatever), so I’m basically an expert on this. They fucking suck, and they were totally doing this as a stupid little political move. I’d almost feel bad for the pope getting caught in the ridiculousity and idiocy...but

I recently moved to the UK with my cat. The problem with the UK is that your pet MUST travel in cargo, so while it’s a shorter trip than yours was, it was so stressful. When I started drifting off to sleep, I had this panicked thought that *oh god what if the cargo hold opens and my kitty flies out of the plane* that

When I lived in the US, I’d fly fairly often (holidays) with my cat. Whenever someone tried to sit by me, I’d warn them that I had a cat (always got early bird so that I could try to get settled more easily) in case they have allergies. Usually, it just ended up in cute cat pic sharing though.

Monterosso is one of my favorite places in the world! I stayed in a wonderful little B&B called Manuel’s Guesthouse that has the most perfect view (but you have to climb and climb and climb to get to it). The focaccia in the Cinque Terre was some of the best I had in Italy.

In college, the only 24 hour food available was Subway. My drunk ass loved pickles (I mean, my sober self does too, but not to this absurd extent). I would be the drunk girl saying, "No, more pickles. I need more pickles please," until my sandwich was basically pickles with a bit of bread.

$50.00 & $30k!

My husband and I not only had a private proposal (at home—he put the ring on the kitty, just like I wanted), but we had a private wedding—the two of us in front of the White House (because we were in DC, so why not).

We should do a write-in campaign: GOD FOR PRESIDENT!

Guns are the one thing I haven't (yet) liberalized my fiance on—although I did lay down the law regarding gun safety IF they ever enter our home (gun safe that the kids can't access, ammo kept separately, kids trained in proper and safe use of guns once they're older—but still not given access).

Ok peeps. Here is my long awaited update.

I keep seeing vet and it combines with the bunny posts and I think it's veterinarian...not veteran. I was so impressed that your entire family took care of all of the kittens and bunnies and puppies of the world...and then I figured it out...

This one might be my favorite...