accidental housewife

I laughed out loud when she stole his toast. You know he'd have done the same to her.

For what it's worth, I'm also with you. Stay strong!

I really need that to happen.

I'd be OK if he lost his show because someone didn't like his tie. He's a raging shithead.

I'd watch that.

And there isn't.

OMG. Your description of Farrah is both hilarious and on-point. Poor Farrah.

OMG, thank you for posting that. It's one of the greatest things I've ever watched.

You are correct.

It would be too much to ask for him to know how anything works.

Oh my god! The entire preview is awesome. "The best/for last" with that shot is even more awesome. (I am such a dork.)

That's a good point. But Sylva is, as far as I can tell, a better chef than Casey is (that could be my anti-Casey bias popping up, though), and he's certainly trustworthy.

I think she was being sincere. I can't imagine Brooke would have chosen her if she thought Casey was untrustworthy.

Re-reading my comment just now, I did it again. As soon as I saw "Paul", I thought of Pennikett.

I'd pay good money to see that.

I'd never even heard of frozen rice before this episode. I just said in a previous comment that I can be a little lazy sometimes, but, holy cats! Rice is pretty low maintenance. And I don't use a rice cooker.


They can be bitter, but red bell peppers usually turn nice and sweet after they're sauted. On the other hand, the skin can get a little bitter depending on what you cook the peppers with. I generally leave the skins on too, partly because I can be a little lazy, but also because I don't want them to disintegrate,

Also, Sheldon is a treasure, and the U.S. is lucky to have him.

She looked like a movie star in this episode.