accidental housewife

I think that's exactly what it is. She's a damn busy woman, so she just can't be there all the time.

I'm guessing she thinks she's better than she is. Or maybe she doesn't do well under the kind of pressure and time constraints that are so much a part of TC, but can't admit it. At any rate, I can't cut her much slack; dissing Carla the way she did is just unacceptable, IMO.

The difference in those comments tells me everything I need to know. I mean, I know Carla made mistakes, the biggest one being not trusting her instincts. She should have gone with what she knows and does well. But, damn, it's not Carla's fault that people blamed Casey, and there was no reason for Casey to badmouth

Whoa! Did she really say catty things about Carla? I've never liked Casey, and I still make fun of her for taking forever to slice goddamn onions in the relay challenge (I think that's what it's called) the first time she was on TC. This season she was so irritating that I thought I was going to break out in a rash

When Shirley said she was adding three more sheets of gelatin to the panna cotta, I knew it wouldn't end well. I'm wondering why she even made dessert. Ah, well. It was a rare misstep for her, and she didn't suffer for it. So that's good.

Late to this party, but you deserve many upvotes for this comment in general, and "Meat Failure" in particular. he made me want to throw things.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

No. No it does not mean that. Not even a little bit. Married people work things out in ways that they can (mostly) live with. You have no idea what actually goes on in their marriage.

Extra upvotes for the Guy Fieri burn!

Don't you know a fashion renegade when you see one?

Her having money and wearing shoes were clues to me. I wasn't sure if she was dreaming or hallucinating (a simulation didn't occur to me), but everything was just off-kilter enough that even I, who can be quite slow on the uptake, realized what we were seeing wasn't real.

It's a terrible way to die.

It's best to invade while the invadin' is good.

Darren McGavin and Anne Baxter make it not completely hopeless.

That's how it starts. Next thing you know, you've invaded Poland.

Yep. It's probably a relief to her to live a normal, pleasant life. Seriously, good for her.

I've never seen even a minute of Girls but anybody who steals a tip from a housekeeper is an irredeemable scumbag. On the other hand, I give Dunham credit for refusing to make Hannah more likable.

He could do an entire house in a weekend. Two coats!

I couldn't hate Duncan. He was just so despondent all the time. I felt sorry for him. I can see why people hated him though, seeing as how he was so despondent all the time.

Awww, crap. Last week I just had to watch Criminal Minds because it was Shemar Moore's final episode (what is the show going to do without Morgan and his Eyebrows of Justice?) I guess this week I have to watch because Padget Brewster will be on. Damn it!