Accidental Homophone

But shouldn't we be happy that NBC even has Community themed cards on their site? Not all hope is lost! Let us worship Channing Tatum as the messenger of this beloved news.

Well, it is a "part-time" job, so she'll probably win.

Really, even the fan fictions/love letters are tastefully integrated.

I would support that.

I do kind of hope he dies. Or Wilson gets cancer and dies. Or Chase is hit by a car.


Wolverine AND Gamera vs. Guiron, Barugon, and Zigra. To the entertainment of all.

OK. OK, OK wait. No.

Ms. Marvel: Jewel Saithe (whatever her last name is?) I feel she could be pretty bad-ass/weird/useless

Midnight showing, I'll be there.

You make a good point about the atmosphere of the original. We had to believe that people wanted to escape their horrible, shitty lives with replicants, and the dank, oppressive, depressing city and weather reinforced that. If the world is all pretty and happy, why would we need replicants?

I read the book a couple of months before I saw the movie, and the book was just fantastic. So I think that colored my opinion of the film. Though I think the film is pretty OK.

But, really, would someone that hot and masculine give someone like Austin his number?

You should write for Grimm. That would be pretty cool. Or she could be in league with Renard?

Yeah, watching that scene, it was pretty obvious ("What's my favorite color?"). But, really, Tom Cruise/Brandon Roth has better chemistry with him than with his girlfriend, so…

It was really awkward. And then, in the break-room/cool-down room (where ever they go after the runway), he was STILL crying, and it was really strange.

Yeah, I was a little surprised at how many attractive men they found to take off their clothes on TV (not that I'm actually complaining, though…).
Like the guy with the pomegranate shirt, and the guy who took off HIS PANTS in front of a camera! What the heck.

I probably wouldn't have given anything up for less than $40. Just because it's my clothes. And what about those poor ladies wearing dresses? They just got a shirt!

I was SO SURPRISED that he didn't get eliminated. That thing was hideous, and I don't care that he "mixed different tribal patterns" or whatever they said. It was… wow.

Maybe Leslie will take Chris's job, so then he and Ann can date, but everyone can stay in the same building.