Accidental Homophone

Just… how can Gabe NOT be the Scranton Strangler? It's the only thing that makes sense!

There's probably already an app for that.

There were some pretty strange things they alluded to (the masks of Chuck and Ned?).

Usually, I just focus on them (because I hate watching people make out on TV. If I can't get any, neither can they).

Captain America does, indeed, have good effect for Skinny Steve, but after that, they're kind of meh.

I'd watch that if it were real.

I also liked him in Community! Go Hawkeye go!

OH! You could watch Dance of the Dead, because it's funny and just as weird and cool.

I agree that her refusal to go negative seemed off. I understand that she wants to stick by her principles, but in a case like that, where everyone agrees that negative is the way to go and it's an effective ad, it's not the thing to do. And then her tackling Ben to stop the ad from being turned in? It was just weird.

Well, the little girl recognized him, so there must have been a look-a-like somewhere. Sherlock, being Sherlock, realized this, found him, and killed him in his place!

But Leslie can't win! That would change the show too much, and Bobby's gonna crush her.

I'm kind of on the fence with this. On one hand, Andy has really gentled April, and she smiles and isn't so soul-crushingly mean. But now she's just as dumb as him. Seriously, can people like that even survive in the world?

I get the impression that he's the kind of guy who complains just because. Like, he really enjoys it, but it's in his nature to say he doesn't (or I could be projecting. Whatever).

Gabe is the Scranton Strangler.

I agree! We need the unpredictable, kind of dangerous Andy who makes people uncomfortable.

Tobey has a wife and two kids, I don't think he's go that far.

Well, it is. If people like him, they'll be more likely (see what I did there?) to vote for him again.

I heard a story on the radio once where they discussed how Obama was "too intellectual" for the people and he was "too distant", so people couldn't build up a connection with him and see him as a cool guy.
But they must have been crazy, because Obama definitely seems like a cool guy. Singing and joking and making fun

Bring your Batman suit.

Hmm, I haven't seen him before. Maybe if Brandon Routh and Tom Cruise had a baby…? I just find the resemblance really distracting.