Accidental Homophone

I can not be the only one who see Nick's resemblance to Tom Cruise!

I'm not saying it was a masterpiece of modern cinema; just that the relationship between Rudd and Carell was really good, and a nice Rudd showcase.

She's probably not gonna win, but the winner will give her some minor position. I don't think the show will survive with her no longer deputy director.

Actually, Dinner For Shmucks isn't awful.

Who is?

He'll probably get nudged by The Help. The directing wasn't bad, but no way are they going to ignore a feel good moving that also deal with women and racism.

I saw it with my family (and I wouldn't have seen it otherwise, because, yeah, it looked stupid and silly), and MAN, was it good. Everyone was crying, but it wasn't too depressing… one of the better movies I've seen.

Yeah, all of the music was basically the same, sweeping strings all the time.

Really, though, WWI isn't explored as much, because it's more murky than WWII. 
And the movie's really good, so whatever.