
Derrida’s salads are the best!

Not at all. However Fox News may get to her first.

I hope everyone who sees this bitch gets right in her face and shames the ever-loving shit out of her. Again and again. I hope people wag their fingers in her face and tell her how shitty she is.

I’m sorry you or anyone else has come to feel that way. :(
When I was a kid, we belonged to a health/tennis club. At 10 I remember being in the locker room and women went about naked in there like it was no big thing at all. Women of all shapes, sizes, and ages would shower, use the sauna and hot tub, do hair and

Have fun with aging, Dani!

She took the photo deliberately, and edited it deliberately, and hit send deliberately. That’s not a mistake. A mistake is when you do something by accident or without intent.

Can I just say that the lady in the shower wasn’t even a terrible physical anomaly? My naked body would give Dani Mathers fits.

This was not a “mistake.” She deliberately engaged in this. It took multiple steps. Multiple indecent and cruel and deliberate actions.

There was a dude where I live that got busted taking pictures of a woman undressing to use a tanning bed. Once they got him this first time they discovered dozens of pictures of other victims. Someone should subpoena all her texts, snaps, etc. to see how many more victims this bitch has done this to.

yeah if you’re snapping naked people in your gym to make fun of them with anybody, you’re a complete and total piece of shit.

I’m going out on a limb here and saying that this is not a good person. The only “mistake” she made was posting her vile, completely illegal mean girl snark to the whole world rather than just to her (no doubt equally vile friend).

This is not a mistake. She broke the law doing a very nasty cruel thing to a woman at her gym. That’s straight up gross.

Good people don’t make “mistakes” like that. It was very malevoleant, cruel, and intentional.

You know what I can’t unsee? The gaping maw that is Dani Mathers’ soul.

Is the “mistake” in this place showering in a place where some privacy is expected? Struggling to see who’s the mistake-making “good people” in this case...

Yeah, they do...but I suspect she’s just not a good person, period.

“Because I am new to Snapchat, I didn’t realize that not everyone has the same body type, metabolism, and exercise habits as I do, and also that not everyone gets paid to look like a model. I also was unaware that violating another person’s privacy, in an area of utmost privacy such as a locker room (where people are

What a horrible person. I hope that the woman whose picture was taken is doing okay. :( Such a foul fucking human, man.

Your title is misleading as fuck .It was ABC’s townhall, not Obama’s.

Point of clarification that even ABC made: This was not “Obama’s Town Hall.” ABC planned this event, asked the President to come, and he accepted. I think ABC is solely to blame re: the ordering of questions, etc.