But it’s NOT sexism. Glenn Greenwald and the BernieBros told me so!
But it’s NOT sexism. Glenn Greenwald and the BernieBros told me so!
I keep reading “Klayman” as “Klanman”. I just can’t read it any other way.
Boring word sex. So boring. There is no humour, no wit, no insight. Natalie Portman is exactly who I always thought she is: a pretentious bore.
Ugh. That dude. Also see his variation: the dude at the film festival who asks a question just to not-subtly imply that he would make a better film than the filmmaker did, and throws in a reference to a French New Wave director to prove his cred.
The other weird thing about this piece is that it doesn’t include a single photo of Foer (at least, the online version I read), but throughout are smattered sultry photos of Portmand wearing big socks, a bikini, and $700 sweaters (all together) in an empty bohemian apartment.
I really don’t think anyone is attacking her for being smart. Also, these emails aren’t really that smart (if the above is any indication). Here’s the thing- she can and should write whatever she wants to whoever she wants, and if they have an intellectually stimulating exchange, that’s awesome. But to assume that…
At least she has being a good actor to fall back on when people remain unconvinced that her rambling isn’t deep epistolary philosophy and we should read everything she writes.
If this was between two men it would still be incredibly awkward to read. It’s nothing to do with gender and everything to do with pretentiousness. I’m not going to pretend it’s not just because one of the people involved is a woman.
Listen, I adore Natalie Portman. ADORE. But this does come off as just... icky pretentiousness. You’re right, we could blame the publisher too. But she still agreed to doing this, and it’s unbecoming.
But hey, anything can be made out to fit your pet cause if you do enough mental gymnastics.
I’m shitting on both of them. You’re the one who insists on making this a gender issue, despite the fact that both of these people are pretentious as fuck. But hey, anything can be made out to fit your pet cause if you do enough mental gymnastics.
They’re more fortunate than special, and if they realized this they’d be a lot more humble.
About as petty and stupid as publishing your “intellectual” ramblings so other people can appreciate how smart you are. Pretentiousness is pretentiousness. I’m not going to apologize for pointing it out when I see it.
After reading the NY Times article, this is what it made me think of. I took years of a language—let’s say Italian—in high school and college. I have a friend who is highly intelligent. She’s never taken an Italian class and has never been to Italy. Yet for some reason, my friend thinks she can speak Italian (I don’t…
Oh God I just cringed in recognition so hard i might have given myself an aneurism. I once went to a conference where a questioner asked the speaker, a poet, “is this like...” and then just named every French critical theory book he could think of.
She didn't, she stuck around for 5 years. The best was the night she called me crying hysterically because she found out he had used the same line on the girl he was cheating with. So 2 people fell for it!
Lord I know I’m white, but please don’t ever let me be this white.
Yeah, that was a big WTF. I remember how painful it was to get it and am not looking forward to getting it replaced even by someone who knows what they’re doing. I absolutely cannot imagine DIY-ing that shit.