
Boy, I hate them for this.


Truer words were never spoken than this headline.

It won’t get better until after the Time of the Diseases. The toddler stage, basically.

Then, if you’re lucky, you get a solid six. Maybe.

She should hire a night nurse for a bit.

Huh. I’ve been relegated to the greys. With no explanation. Okay then.

Well. That’s not as fun. Sigh. All the fun stuff is disappointing today. ;)

Well, we’re moving past that point pretty quickly.

Well, they really loved each other. It was a solid relationship.

To be fair, it could be he’s not taking enough lithium.

I laughed here and then felt very depressed.

Yes. It’s treason if he helped Russia influence our election. That’s why they are having an investigation.

He’s worried they won’t leave even if there is evidence and the call for an indictment. In fact, he’s likely worried Trump and his ilk will simply refuse to leave. They’ve already ignored rule of law on more than one occasion. They could just decide, “Nope. Not going. And no elections.”

Then, it’d be a mess. We’re

When they say “circumstantial” here, what they mean is they have them all tied to the situation now, but they need to prove full motivation.

We are in so so much trouble. I mean, seriously, Putin likely installed his own choice in our WH.

I don’t ... what the hell are we going to do here, people?

No. There are extremists and those that are not. Even among Zionists. Literally, a Zionist is someone who wants a Jewish state/Israel. Then, there are a whole bunch of subsets. Or maybe I should say types? Range of beliefs under the umbrella?

I would be very happy if box wine took the gold.

No! The Giving Tree!!

I feel like the IKEA vs. reading one was really cruel and unfair. What if you want to read while in an IKEA? What about us, huh???

I agree with your points. Of course, not all Zionism is hard line either, which is ... I just think we need smarter handling of this one. Not so much “Can’t be this! But if this is part of us, what does that mean? How do we all feel?” etc etc.

I’m going to go think some and come back. I have to go teach a 3 hour

Well, but let’s be serious here. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all have practices that institutionalize second-class citizenship for women and LGBTQ individuals and they are not all being held to the same standard here.

All of these people have a right to get pissed at each other. I’m just concerned this is being

Okay, then. Flagged and dismissed.

Thanks. I’m likely leaving out important perspectives myself, of course.