
Rule 34 in action.

That’s the thing for me with Tesla. The major car companies are putting the most boring stuff into their electric/hybrid etc vehicles, save for the super/hypercar ones I’ll never see except for in a Fancy Kristen article. Tesla though is making them with an eye for having fun, too. Sure, I’d miss rowing my own gears

I mentioned before that I thought Pelosi would adapt, but I was clearly wrong. I’m becoming more and more convinced that she (and her Boomer cohorts) need to step aside.

Update - looks like Pelosi is downplaying this after all. Probably more evidence that she needs to step aside and pass the reins off (and not to one of her old cronies either). I used to think she was effective and had good political instincts, but those seem to be fading, or at least not up to the task of handling

I’ll just point to the recent Supreme Court rulings as to why he’s not the same as a Republican. Even if he does vote for some terrible things like removing restrictions on banks (for example), there is still one huge difference, in the he puts us one cure course to being able to stop Trump from stuffing the courts

I certainly wouldn't be surprised if he's increasingly suffering episodes of dementia.

Oh, I’m certainly not saying she’s there, or advocating for her (those fucking bullshit platitudes for “civilty”, ugh), merely that I get the sense that she will be quicker than others to smell the coffee from this wake up call and realize she needs to get her shit together on this. Whether she does it fast enough or

You sure don’t see Republicans saying one of their candidates is too conservative, that’s for damn sure. The only thing they freak out over is for things like child molesters ala Roy Moore or the ones who say the quiet parts too loud, and even that last one is only a sometimes deal.

It is best to judge them by their deeds rather than their words. There are some who are truly worthy if what they claim to follow, but there are others for whom it holds no meaning, for theirs is a love of money and power alone.

Hopefully they learned the lesson from VA last year, where the Dems ran candidates everywhere instead of leaving tons of seats unopposed, and had a massive wave (went from holding a third of the seats to half of the chamber). If we want to win big we have to play big.

Pelosi probably will adjust and adapt, she's a lot more canny if a politician that many give her credit for. Feinstein is the one who should be worried, though she's probably banking on republican votes to carry her in the general (since it's her versus a progressive due to CA's top two system). Manchin, eh, only

Well a complete leftist like her can't win the general! .... What do you mean this is a D+29 seat that will never go red, don't bother me with facts here. /s

He’s such a fucking narcissistic asshole, that he can’t possibly imagine that anything might not revolve entirely around him.

It’s unfortunately nothing new. You’d think people would have learned after 2000 and Nader, and how that led to the Iraq war, but also to us winding up with Alito and Roberts on the Supreme Court. Make no mistake, because the shit with McConnell and Gorsuch should make it crystal clear - the Republicans are laser

Thankfully he’s extremely unlikely to come anywhere near winning. Virginia voted for Clinton, and last year voted for the Democrats for governor/LtGov/AG, and went from 33% to controlling half the seats in the state assembly. Notably this asshat was in the Republican primary for governor, and lost to a guy who tried

This exactly. They’re not protesting the death penalty, or anything else like that. (I’ll at least grant that one to the Catholic Church, who at least in theory are against abortion as part of a larger life based agenda, though individuals may vary in that.) The rest though? They don’t argue for policies like free

He can’t pardon state crimes. What you’re thinking of is that New York currently has a double jeopardy law that prevents someone bring tried on state charges for the same offense. Thus if he gets tried, and either found guilty + pardoned, or found innocent (as if), they couldn’t then try him in state court. New York’s

Yep - look at last year’s state elections. They tried running on that crap and got obliterated. They’re becoming unhinged and increasingly incapable of even contesting things. This is looking to be a good year in VA, and we’ll probably pick up one or more formerly Republican held Congressional seats here - possibly

You may not like Kaine, but I’ll sure as shit take him over any Republican. The most important vote right now is for senate majority leader. Maybe next time someone will run against him in the primary (or he’ll retire). Meanwhile, we’ve got some amazing house candidates in deck this year that make for a good future

Yes - but they’re a vast minority in Virginia. They tried running on that crap last year and got destroyed. There’s still enough Republican leaning voters turned off by it here - see the former republican LtGov already tweeting and speaking out against Stewart.