
Virginia has (or, increasingly, had) to rival wings to the state republican party. One was a business oriented one (see: former LtGov Bill Bolling), and the other is rabidly insane/fundamentalist/etc. Lately the nutcases have taken over and kicked out the ones that were able to at least put a polite face on things.

He’s not representative of the state, at all. He’s one of the nutcases that have been trying to take over the republican party here because they weren’t satisfied with putting a polite facade on things. Him winning the republican nomination means there will be even lower conservative turnout in November, and increases

The question isn’t what you need versus want. It’s about someone whose “want” also happens to inconvenience the crap out of everyone else, such as a giant truck in a city parking garage, or a Mustang leaving cars and coffee.

Anyone who thinks we’re not in for some painful trade wars by this point is nuts - it’s just a question of what, and how much it hurts. I just hope the recession this causes isn’t too deep and that we can reverse it when he gets booted from office.

No - it’s more that the esports scene in Japan is vastly underdeveloped compared to places like Korea or the USA, due to old legal restrictions on gaming and prize money meant to block or limit gambling. It’s had the unfortunate effect of putting a huge damper on esports events. No surprise then that the teams there

Why am I not surprised in the least that this was United? Oh, right, it’s because of things like the doctor who got beaten up and dragged off the flight, or the woman who was forced to put the dog in the overhead bin (which suffocated the poor puppy). One more reason to never fly them (as if there weren’t enough

My current dog is already terrible about chasing squirrels, so I feel for whoever adopts a dog that’ll want to chase both moose and squirrels.

The location was pretty much confirmed in the s2 premiere as being if the cost of China. Remember when the Delos guy in the beach was arguing with the Chinese military officer about who was in charge, and mentioned leading the island from (his) government?

Should be streaming on Crunchyroll still.

Yes - my first fear when I saw the pink ribbon was that this was for Komen, but BCRF is rated A+ by Charitywatch, with over 90% of their donations going to the cause (as opposed to marketing/administration).

Given the Catholicism centric theme of the event, it probably was meant to be that rather than Bondian. He does have a definite James Bond/Austin Powers (the sharks with lasers reference) interest though.

For the second offense, they exile you to the island of St. Helena.

I’m not honestly sure he’s ever been in business to actually be in business. His track record isn’t so much “constant failure” as it is “constantly ripping people off and milking as much as he can from whatever new enterprise before it crashes and burns.” He lies, he cheats, he screws over everyone that’s ever put

If nothing else the judicial appointments prove that wrong. There right will gladly vote for someone horrible and odious just to get a republican to make those appointments, but the left demands purity -ffs, the time for purity is the primaries folks.

The man isn’t perfect, certainly. But damn I do wish we had someone of his caliber in the White House right now instead of... You know who.

Watch them contort themselves into pretzels over the fact that it was a black dude who wrestled the rifle away from him.

Yeah, this was incredibly annoying. All it took was one troll/jerk/idiot to ruin things for the rest of the team by continuing to fight just a little too long. So glad it’s fixed now.

I’d suggest it’s more kleptocracy than fascism just yet... Or maybe a quasi fascist kleptocracy. One thing’s for sure, we need to win some elections to punish the Republicans for enabling this crap, or it’ll just get worse.

Crusader Kings 2 is the devourer of time and a recipe for insomniac overnight play. It’s even worse than civilization games in that respect... But it’s so fun!

It is - but keep in mind too, that Titanic’s total also includes its 2012 3D and 2017 20th anniversary re-releases in theaters.