
He forgot he was in a white 350z and not a white Lotus Esprit...

I’d be happy if I’d even found a parking space within four blocks of campus most days.

The reason they’re going after the VA is simple - there’s too many donors that want to privatize part or all of it so they can get in that sweet sweet money.

I guess they must not have Cars and Coffee in China, since a certain 5.0L and its larger displacement Cobra siblings aren’t on the list.

That’s easy. The answer is “Texas.”

I learned this lesson from my father, who never did manage to get his dream car due to waiting. Something else will always come up later, and you’ll need to do the responsible thing. Irresponsible decisions are for youth, because then you still have the time to make up for it. The older you get, the less chances

There’s definitely a spectrum. No one should feel forced to do it in order to look beautiful, but at the same time, if you genuinely feel like you want to make the outer you look like how you feel the inner you should, then by all means go for it. You should feel comfortable in your own body.

Yeah, this was always what I never got about the gate keeping exclusionist gamergater mentality. Girls getting into gaming or other geek hobbies is something that should be encouraged, not discouraged.

Yes. Otherwise we’re going to have to start asking about consent with every inanimate object... it’s not like using a vibrator, dildo, or other sex toy is ‘rape’. (It may be skeezy to use a full doll, but that’s a different matter)

To interject with the view from the nerd side of things, I’m pretty sure she is, or is in the process of becoming, a lich:

I’ve seen some inklings of those notions in some cases. Hispanics would be the obvious choice just on sheer number, and for a while it seemed like the Republicans might go that route, like the Bush family was inclined to. This time, though, the foaming mouth contingent seems to have put a veto on that, blocking any

Are we sure her name is Sarah and not Becky? More specifically “Reba” per the previous scholarly work on the taxonomy and classification of ‘Becky.’

They have day care in heaven, but only if their parents can afford it, because free childcare is something only socialist heathens believe in. Hell of course has free childcare and on-demand abortions so you wicked sinners can fornicate at all hours of the night.

There’s a long history of it. First the Germans, then the Irish, then the Italians and the Poles and... the list goes on. Originally despised/discriminated against, but they eventually became considered “White.”

Much as it pains me to point out, because I in no way want to defend this game or its associated stuff, you should re-read what you posted, because none of what you posted pertains to drawings/art/etc.

He’s old and set in his ways, more likely (and the egotism just layers on top of that - when’s the last time anyone told him flat out he was wrong that he accepted? Loooong time I bet). That’s why I just laughed at the suckers that believed him when he said he was going to do anything but scam the shit out of everyone

That’s my one hope, that when he finally does crash and burn he takes a whole bunch of those f*ckers with him. (As opposed to, you know, all the rest of the nation)

McCabe has already started. He’s not going to take this quietly.

My mother (who voted for the sane option) told me after the election how she despaired of this same thing in talking to her female relatives in the deep south, who would always find some excuse, however flimsy or outright nonsensical, as to why they would vote for Trump. The level of cognitive dissonance was just