
The better question to ask is, would it hurt Doug Jones politically to have voted against this bill? I’m gonna go with “No, it wouldn’t have.”

More like a choice between eating a shit sandwich, and eating shit sandwiches every day for a year. I can’t get myself too worked up about it, because no way was Roy Moore going to vote any different if it’d been him, nor if it’d been Luther Strange (the Republican that Moore beat in the primary).

The problem is that the Republican politicians really don’t care. They don’t care about poor children dying, and they don’t care about non-white folk getting deported. They may make a show of it when necessary, but at the end of the day they’re not losing a wink of sleep.

It may be splitting hairs, but I do think it’s fair to point out that someone who realizes that too far is too far is better than someone who just wants to ride the bomb down Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove style. That said, it in no way absolves them of anything from before that point - it is a step on the road to

This is Japan, so how about teenagers piloting giant robots? :)

I might give a pass to the one or two printed columnists that have done nothing but criticize Trump and his enablers since Day 1. (Doesn’t mean I’ll forget about the stuff they did before that, but they get a pass on that bit at least.) Course, that amounts to exactly zero politicians in office, and really, nobody who

So much winning whining.

There are also some people for whom money outweighs everything else. There’s a certain mindset that can be summed up as “f*ck y’all, I got mine” that crosses lines of color and gender. It’s an entirely selfish mindset of course, and shows an appalling lack of empathy on the part of those people, but there it is

Good on them for catching on to a standard Business Email Compromise attempt by cybercriminals - this sort of thing sucks money out of all sorts of businesses. Thing is, it’s not particularly uncommon, nor is it politically targeted. And it’s not being done by Russian state-sponsored hackers either, just some second

You can find the equivalent of the most prominent (read: Evangelicals, but also some others) publicly Christian sorts are in the New Testament - but here’s a hint, they’re not the followers of Jesus, they’re the Pharisees. You know, the people that let the money-changers in the temple, and that got upset because Jesus

Who’d wish that on those poor insects though?

This is why I found peace with the electric car future - because electric (or hybrid, or any of that) doesn’t mean boring little econobox that struggles to match a Kei car for power output. It can mean tire-melting performance, and I’m entirely fine with that spectrum continuing.

The reason for that is that the Japanese companies that do have the rights (as per the judgment in the Japanese courts) would’ve had to go to court in the USA to get that judgment here, and they haven’t seen it as worthwhile from a cold comparison of the cost of the legal fees vs the expected profits they’d earn.

Yes, this right here. Harmony Gold is the sole reason no part of Macross has been released in the US since Macross Plus came out. They’re also the reason you’ll never get any live action stuff, because no Hollywood studio wants to go near a property that doesn’t have clear ownership of its intellectual property rights

I would suggest that the hypocrisy was always there, it just wasn’t so fully on open display. What has changed isn’t the character of the people involved, it is that they no longer have any sense of shame about it in public.

It’s not like a clone of Washington could be any worse than what we’ve got now... ;)

That is the other aspect of this movie - it is not merely groundbreaking in its focus on POC and their stories, it is an amazingly good movie even when that aspect is ignored. And that very fact shows just how wrongheaded Hollywood’s insistence on sidelining actors/actresses of color is, because those talent pools run

And then go see Black Panther a few times, just for good measure. (But I’d recommend that regardless because it’s so good)

Most “Conservatives” in America today aren’t even conservative in the traditional sense anymore. They’re reactionaries that want to take the country back to some mythical era when everything was perfect. The only thing that they can’t all agree on is when exactly that time was - whether it was the 1980s, the 1950s,

Not all films benefit from IMAX, but there are too many stunning visuals and vistas in this movie for IMAX not to be worth it.